These 5 Lifestyles Turn Out to Burden Your Spine

Almost everyone must have experienced pain in the back and waist area. Often this pain is ignored and not taken seriously, even though it is possible that the pain that arises is a sign that something is wrong with your body. Pain in the back and waist area is not only caused by injury or back fatigue. Pain in the back area can also be present due to health problems that occur in the spine. Health problems in the spine can be caused by several things, ranging from congenital defects in the spine to bad daily habits that often burden the spine.

Many do not realize that the wrong daily habits have a significant negative effect on health. Things that seem simple can in fact be one of the factors causing spinal disorders, such as sitting, walking and standing positions which are often inappropriate and have a negative impact on spinal health. Therefore, it is very important to know what habits can burden your spine and have the potential to cause serious health problems in the future. Here are habits you need to avoid:

  1. Too Often Make Body Movements Sudden

Many people often make sudden body movements after being still in a certain position for a long period of time, for example making sudden standing movements after sitting too long or when waking up. A sudden movement from one position to another has the potential to cause an incorrect spinal position. If done frequently, it has the potential to burden the joints in the spinal area and has the potential to cause spinal dysfunction .

  1. Habit of Sitting for Too Long

Sitting for too long may have become part of the daily life of many people, especially for those who work as office workers. In fact, sitting for too long can burden the spine and cause injury to the joints as well as compression of the spine and ligaments. Another factor that also burdens the spine is the error in selecting a seat back that does not have a back that matches the ideal curvature of the spine. This error can disrupt blood flow and circulation in the spinal area.

  1. Don't use high heels too often

High heels are indeed commonly used by women to support their appearance. Many women use high heels as part of their daily appearance, even though the use of high heels too often can have a negative impact on the health of your body. The use of high heels can affect the back of the body weight. This causes the lumbar spine (waist) to flatten or deviate from its normal condition. The body is forced to lean forward so that the hip muscles work harder than usual when walking. This can cause shortening of the flexor muscles located at the top of the thigh. The shortening of the flexor muscles causes the spine to become flat and overloaded.

  1. Reduce Carrying Heavy Loads Too Often

Someone who often lifts heavy luggage, such as bags with excessive weights, has a greater risk of back pain. This is because the spine feels pressure repeatedly so that the muscles become stressed and feel pain. What's more, if the body position is wrong when lifting things, the risk increases significantly. If you need to pick up heavy objects, you should not bend over and immediately pick them up with both hands because you risk injuring your spine. Do it by squatting then bending your knees and positioning your body to stand up straight. This method will reduce the burden on the spine. In addition, you should reduce a lot of luggage or repay the luggage to be carried several times so that your spine is not injured and burdened.

  1. Avoid Playing Gadgets Too Long

Most people have a habit of playing gadgets for too long, even though excessive use of gadgets can trigger bad body positions, such as looking down at the gadget screen for too long. Bowing down for too long can make the neck sore, thus impacting the back and indirectly burdening the spine as the body's foundation when looking down. Another reason why excessive use of gadgets can burden the spine is that the position of the body when using gadgets can eliminate the natural curve of the spine and neck. Incorrect postures that are practiced repeatedly or over a long period of time can cause serious and chronic curvature of the spine.

If you feel a disturbance in your spinal area, either in the form of aches or bothersome pain, you should consult a doctor to get a clear diagnosis and explanation of the complaints you are experiencing. No need to worry if you have problems with your spine. Treatment of disorders of the spine can be done with minimally invasive surgery which is effective and can significantly reduce the risk of trauma to the body caused by open surgery because this minimally invasive surgery only requires much smaller incisions. Minimally invasive surgery can be performed using robotic surgery where the surgeon controls the robot from a console. This procedure is considered efficient because it only requires 3-4 very small incisions, the size of a buttonhole, on the back and waist. The use of high-definition 3D cameras in minimally invasive surgical procedures allows for a good and realistic view of the spinal area being operated on. The flexibility of the robot hand is also able to provide greater accuracy and control for surgeons to complete operations with more precision so that the risk of nerve injury due to surgery on the spine can be minimized.

Another advantage of minimally invasive surgical procedures is that the recovery period is much faster than that of open surgery. This minimally invasive surgery can provide new hope in the treatment of patients with spinal disorders with excellent service quality and comfort to live with. Therefore, if you or someone close to you has spinal problems, minimally invasive surgery can be the right choice to make him recover more quickly and return to enjoying a quality life. #LiveExcellently