5 Sports that Need to be Done to Overcome Low Back Pain

Low back pain or low back pain is pain that is felt around the lumbar spine, tissues, muscles, and spinal nerves that radiate to other organs located in the pelvic and abdominal areas. At present, it has been recorded that approximately 80% of adults in the age range of 30-50 years experience low back pain, with varying pain intensity. Low back pain can be caused by several things such as the habit of sitting too long in the same position, lack of exercise, lifting heavy loads, and having an accident that causes injury to the waist area and its surroundings. In addition, obesity can also be a major factor causing low back pain because the muscles around the spine have to work harder to support all the excess body weight. If you often experience low back pain, see how to deal with it by doing the following five types of exercise.

  1. Partial Crunches

Partial crunches are half crunches that can help build strength in the waist and abdominal muscles. Begin by lying down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then, place your hands behind your head for support, then lift your body forward like you're doing a sit-up . Make sure your abdominal muscles stay tight and your shoulders are fully lifted off the floor. Hold this position for one second then slowly lower to the lying position as at the beginning. Repeat this movement for 8-12 times gradually. Partial crunches are ideal for dealing with low back pain because they gradually work the muscles around your waist and abdomen to become stronger.

  1. Hamstring stretch

The hamstring stretch is a stretching movement that is performed to train the three large muscles connecting the muscles and bones on the back of the thigh. This stretch aims to lighten the load on the legs that support the lower back. The trick is to lie down on the floor with one knee bent, then pull the end of the sole of the foot that is not bent with a towel. Do this movement slowly so you can feel the stretch in your back. After that, hold this movement for 15-30 seconds and repeat up to 2-4 times. This stretch is proven to relieve back pain and is usually done by soccer players before starting a match. Do hamstring stretches for a few days until you feel your low back pain improve.

  1. Pilates gymnastics

Pilates is a muscle stretching exercise that focuses on the core of the abdominal muscles. This exercise can increase the flexibility of weak joints and strengthen the spine and other limbs. Pilates is a more modern version of yoga that aims to increase body stamina and be able to correct unbalanced posture. That way, your risk of experiencing low back pain will decrease. For best results, do pilates exercises with a professional instructor so you can treat low back pain efficiently and precisely.

  1. Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are movements specifically designed to train the abdominal and back muscles and can overcome pinched tendons. Begin this movement by lying on the floor with both knees bent, then tighten your abdominal muscles and move the back to the right and left. Make sure you breathe smoothly and hold this movement for ten seconds. Repeat this movement 12 times and do it regularly so that your low back pain gradually recovers.

  1. Knee to Chest

Knee to chest is the simplest movement you can do to treat low back pain and can be done without any tools. Begin this movement by lying on your back on the floor, then lift your left leg towards your chest. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and make sure your back remains flat on the floor. Lower your knee slowly and repeat the same movement for your right leg. Do this movement 2-4 times for each leg until you feel less pain in your waist.

Those are five sports that you can do to deal with low back pain. You can choose the one that suits your body's capabilities, but make sure you do it regularly so you can get maximum results. If your low back pain is considered severe and chronic (more than three months), you can visit the EMC Pain Management Center to consult with a specialist.

There are several therapy services that can help you get rid of chronic pain, one of which is PRF ( Pulsed Radiofrequency ). PRF will selectively only affect certain targeted nerve parts, so that the pain that is felt can be treated effectively in a relatively short time without damaging other nerve tissue during the ablation process like other treatment methods. Make sure you continue to exercise regularly even though you have undergone a therapy process so that your body stays fit every day. #LiveExcellently