6 Types of Ligament Injuries in the Knee

The knee is one of the most important joints in our body, allowing us to move, walk, run, and perform other physical activities. However, the knee is also susceptible to injury, especially ligament injuries that can happen to anyone, from athletes to individuals who are doing everyday activities. Ligament injuries to the knee are one of the most common types of injuries and can significantly affect the function of the knee joint.

What Is a Knee Ligament Injury?

Ligaments are connective tissues that connect one bone to another. In the knee, there are four main ligaments that are important in maintaining joint stability, namely:

  1. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) : A ligament that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone and plays a role in preventing forward movement of the tibia.
  2. Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) : A ligament that functions to prevent the tibia from moving backwards from the femur.
  3. Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) : Ligament located on the inside of the knee, functions to prevent inward movement of the knee.
  4. Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) : A ligament located on the outside of the knee and prevents outward movement of the knee.

Knee ligament injuries can occur when there is excessive pressure or trauma to the knee. These injuries can range from a mild sprain to a complete tear of the ligament that requires further medical attention.

Causes of Knee Ligament Injuries

Ligament injuries to the knee usually occur due to activities that involve twisting movements or heavy weight bearing on the knee, such as:

  • Sports : Athletes, especially those who play soccer, basketball, or sports involving jumping and sudden changes in direction, are particularly susceptible to ligament injuries.
  • Accident or Trauma : Falling or being involved in an accident can cause injury to the ligaments in the knee.
  • Aging : As we age, the elasticity of the ligaments and the strength of the knee joints decrease, increasing the risk of injury.

Symptoms of Knee Ligament Injury

Ligament injuries to the knee are often accompanied by symptoms that can vary depending on the severity. Some common symptoms of knee ligament injuries include:

  • Sudden pain in the knee after trauma or activity that triggers the injury.
  • Swelling in the knee, often appearing within hours of the injury.
  • Loss of function or instability of the knee , which makes it difficult to move or bear weight.
  • A 'click' or 'snap' sound may be heard when the injury occurs.
  • Limited movement in the knee, both in straightening and bending the joint.

If you experience these symptoms, especially after an injury or trauma, immediately consult a specialist to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of Knee Ligament Injuries by Specialist Doctors

Ligament injuries to the knee require careful medical evaluation to determine the severity of the injury and choose the right treatment method. dr. Arrio Yusman, Sp.OT (K) Sports Injury , an orthopedic specialist in sports injuries from EMC Pekayon Hospital , is very experienced in treating knee ligament injuries. He has expertise in providing appropriate treatment for injuries experienced by athletes and non-athletes.

Here are some treatment options that can be done for knee ligament injuries:

  1. Conservative Therapy : If the ligament injury is not too severe, the doctor may recommend conservative therapy which includes:
    • Rest and avoidance of strenuous activity to give the knee a chance to recover.
    • Cold compress to reduce swelling.
    • Physiotherapy to improve knee strength and mobility.
    • Pain relievers to help manage pain and inflammation.
  2. Medical or Surgical Intervention : In more severe cases of ligament injury, such as a complete tear of the ligament, more intensive medical intervention may be required, such as:
    • Ligament reconstruction (Surgery) : In severe ligament injuries, especially the ACL, a reconstructive procedure using a graft (replacement tissue) is often necessary to restore stability to the knee joint.
    • Laparoscopy : This method uses small instruments to view and repair ligament damage with minimal incisions.

Knee Ligament Injury Prevention

While ligament injuries cannot always be avoided, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk:

  • Warm up and stretch before exercising to prepare muscles and ligaments.
  • Strength training to strengthen the muscles around the knee.
  • Use knee pads when exercising, especially for those at high risk of injury.
  • Maintain body balance to avoid falls or accidents that can cause injury.


Knee ligament injuries are a common problem but require proper treatment so as not to interfere with quality of life and daily activities. If you have a knee injury or want to ensure that your knee remains healthy, consult an Orthopedic Specialist Consultant for Sports Injuries to get the best medical treatment. With the right treatment and appropriate rehabilitation, you can move comfortably and safely again.

Article written by dr. Arrio Yusman, Sp.OT (K) Sports Injury (Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist, Sports Injury Consultant, EMC Pekayon Hospital).