Every day, millions of nerve fibers work in the body. These fibers are connected to one another and are joined in a system called the nervous system. Various nerve cells work to transmit signals from one cell or one part of the body to other cells or parts. These signals are triggered by various stimuli, including stimuli from the surrounding environment. After the signal is processed, a response appears that we do to respond to the stimulus received by the body. Thus the importance of the nervous system for humans.
Despite its importance, your nervous system is not immune from distractions. If a disorder attacks the nervous system, all body systems will be affected. As a result, movement coordination and other bodily functions cannot work normally.
Not only attacking adults, disorders and neurological diseases also often occur in children. This can affect the growth and development of children physically and psychologically. The following are several types of neurological diseases that are commonly found in children:
- Epilepsy
Occurs due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The cause can be from heredity, head injury, and brain problems. This disorder is characterized by seizures that occur repeatedly. Epilepsy causes problems with language skills, memory, learning, and muscle control to move.
- cerebral palsy
Occurs due to brain damage before the baby is born. This condition can be characterized by lack of muscle coordination, difficulty walking, slow speaking, difficulty chewing and swallowing food, and tremors.
- Hydrocephalus
Occurs due to the accumulation of a fluid in the cavity of the brain. Due to excess fluid, the size of the head increases and there is pressure on the brain. Hydrocephalus causes damage to brain tissue and impaired brain function in children.
- Spina bifida
Occurs due to the spine and spinal cord are not formed properly. Spina bifida can occur because during pregnancy the mother experiences a lack of folic acid intake. Symptoms can be different in each child. The impact can be different depending on the severity. On a mild scale, children can grow normally. However, for other cases that are quite severe, children can experience paralysis.
Treatment and Treatment of Neurological Diseases in Children
As a parent, you naturally want the best for your baby, including choosing the most appropriate treatment if your child has a nervous breakdown. For people with neurological diseases in children, doctors usually recommend surgery.
Often surgery is a fear for patients because of the risks that may occur. However, due to advanced surgical technology, surgical procedures are now becoming less risky since the discovery of minimally invasive surgery or minimally invasive surgery.
Minimally invasive surgery uses smaller incisions than other types of surgery. After making the incision, the surgeon will then insert tools that help to see the internal organs at an enlarged size. Images of internal organs in the patient's body are seen through the monitor. To reach the organs that need to be followed up, the doctor will use smaller surgical tools compared to the tools used in ordinary surgery. When finished, the incision will be sutured. Because the incision is quite small, the stitch scar is smaller.
If your child has a nervous breakdown and the doctor recommends a surgical procedure, then minimally invasive surgery can be an option because of the several advantages it offers, including:
- Small scar
Because no large incisions are required to carry out a surgical procedure, the stitches and scars on your child's body are smaller than the stitches from ordinary surgical procedures.
- Reduced risk of infection
With minimally invasive surgery , your child's organs will not be exposed to contaminating substances so that the risk of infection is minimal.
- Short recovery period
Due to the small size of the postoperative wound in the hospital with minimally invasive surgical methods, your child doesn't need to stay in the hospital for a long time to recover. Children can return to school and resume activities within days after surgery.
So, those are the advantages of minimally invasive surgery in children with nervous disorders. Consult all actions with your doctor and make sure your children get the best treatment so they can return to enjoying the fun playing and learning times. #LiveExcellently