In order to stay healthy, pay attention to this diet during the Christmas and New Year holidays

What plans do you and your family have for the Christmas and New Year holidays? Apart from preparing holiday destinations, you also need to prepare a strategy to keep your body fit and healthy. One way is to maintain a healthy diet even though the holiday menu treats are really tempting to eat. So, here is a healthy eating pattern during the holidays that you can do so you can still eat well and maintain your body's condition.

Don't wait to starve

In order to sample all the delicious food at a family dinner, don't try to empty your stomach during the day. An empty stomach makes you crave fatty, greasy and sweet foods.

To control your appetite, don't skip your breakfast and lunch. You can also eat healthy snacks like nuts. When the dinner you've been waiting for arrives, your appetite will stay awake so you can avoid overeating.  

Drink water before eating

Another way to prevent overeating during the Christmas and New Year holidays is to get used to drinking water before eating. Drink 1-2 glasses of water before you eat.

Water fills your stomach so you tend to eat less food. As a result, you are not compelled to fill your plate full with all the menus offered on the table. Water is also proven to resist the urge to consume sugar, fat and sodium.

Apart from keeping your appetite in check, water is also beneficial for the digestive system. To feel the benefits, drink at least two glasses of water about 30 minutes before eating.  

Eat fruit before main meals

Similar to water, fruit can also fill your stomach so you don't overeat. The types of fruit that you can consume before eating are apples and oranges.

Apples that are still complete with the skin are rich in fiber content which can make you feel full longer. While oranges are rich in vitamin C which can help convert fat into energy. The sour taste of oranges can also reduce hunger. In addition, both of these fruits are low in calories so they are perfect as a nutritious snack.

Avoid high calorie drinks

When you visit a relative's house on Christmas and New Year's Day, you are no stranger to serving sweet drinks. Starting from sweet tea, milk coffee, to soda, everything tastes delicious while talking with family.

Even though they don't fill you up, a variety of sweet drinks can have a bad impact on your body. To work around this, you can choose drinks that are lower in sugar, such as unsweetened tea and coffee and avoid soda.

Providing healthy food all the time

If you're hosting Christmas and New Year celebrations, there's nothing wrong with preparing some healthy food alternatives. Even though it's healthy, that doesn't mean you can't make it delicious. The trick is to cut down on fried items and add boiled, steamed and baked items. For the dessert menu, you can replace the sweetener with honey, use fruit-based ingredients, and use low-fat raw materials.

Maintaining a diet during the Christmas and New Year holidays doesn't mean you have to avoid family events and the various delicious foods that are served. The trick is to control your appetite and always adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. Come on, also invite your family to adopt a healthy diet during the Christmas and New Year holidays to keep your body healthy. #LiveExcellently