What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a surgical method that can be an alternative for someone to lose weight, especially for those who are classified as obese and have been on diet and exercise but have failed to lose weight. Technically, this bariatric surgery helps patients lose weight by means of intervention and modification of the digestive tract.

Operation Method :

Broadly speaking, there are two types of approaches, namely:

  • Restrictive surgery – This type of surgery aims to limit the body's ability to consume food; this is done by reducing the size of the stomach.
  • Malabsorption surgery – This type of surgery aims to change the process of absorption of food. This operation also bypasses certain parts of the digestive tract, so this operation can also limit the ability to absorb calories in the body.

Operation type :

  1. Gastric Banding Operation – This operation is a restrictive method. This operation is performed by placing a ring/band made of silicone material that can be filled with water so that it clamps the stomach smaller, resulting in less food consumption. This ring/band can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the water pumped into it. However, the loss of weight loss that occurs is not too drastic.
  2. Sleeve Gastrectomy – This operation is also a restrictive method. This operation shrinks and cuts about 80% -85% of the patient's stomach so that the stomach will be in the form of a tube and only 15-20% of its normal size. This makes the patient's stomach small, so it cannot accommodate a lot of food. This operation is relatively simple and low-risk, so it is the first choice for obese patients. This surgery reduces the production of the hormone ghrelin which regulates appetite. The advantage of this surgery is that it does not affect the intestines, so that the body can still absorb nutrients to the fullest.
  3. Gastric Bypass Surgery – This type of surgery combines restrictive and malabsorption methods. This operation creates a bypass from the upper part of the stomach directly into the small intestine, without passing through the lower part of the stomach and duodenum. Hormonal changes will occur. This procedure limits the amount of food that can be accommodated by the stomach, as well as limiting the patient's body's absorption of calories and nutrients. This surgery prevents the body from absorbing too many nutrients from food, resulting in better weight loss than other methods.

Bariatric surgery is a very effective operation, but does not rule out the risk of side effects, such as the patient may experience nutritional and vitamin deficiencies.

This excess weight carries the risk of causing various serious diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stopping breathing during sleep, and others. Keep in mind, bariatric surgery is not intended for everyone who is overweight. There are certain medical criteria that must be met. Usually this action is recommended for patients who have failed to lose weight with diet and exercise. Or, it is recommended for patients who have comorbidities due to obesity.

Patients with severe obesity are usually in a critical phase in their lives because all methods are ineffective. The advancement of bariatric surgery or obesity surgery represents a major leap forward in the treatment of obesity with permanent results. With the rapid advancement of technology, surgical techniques are becoming increasingly safe. Obesity surgery is not a cosmetic surgery such as liposuction or liposuction on deposits in certain areas of our body but on how to limit the calories eaten or absorbed by the body thereby improving our overall health condition.

In the end, when all roads seem to be dead ends, there is still a last resort for a new second chance at life. The method of reducing weight through this technique can be an instant solution, which is a fast and effective way to cut fat. By exploiting the effect of hormonal changes on suppressing hunger, creating a sensation of fullness, this method has become a powerful weapon to help patients start and define a positive healthy life.

Article written by dr. Handy Wing, Sp.B.SubBDig (Surgery Specialist - Digestive Surgery Sub Specialist, EMC Alam Sutera Hospital).