Complaints about bones and joints can be experienced by anyone, both young and old, which of course can interfere with daily activities. In fact, if left unchecked and lasts a long time, it can get worse and result in permanent damage to the bones and joints.
Complaints on the body that suddenly appear are often considered trivial, especially in the bones or joints. There are still many of us who are wrong in handling complaints related to that part. In order not to be wrong in handling, of course you have to know in advance what caused it. Check out the explanation here!
according to dr. Pradhana Wijayanta, Sp.OT (Orthopedics & Traumatology Specialist at EMC Hospital Tangerang), there are 5 main causes of bone and joint pain, which are as follows:
- Trauma (Injury)
Trauma to bones and joints is usually experienced more by young people, injuries or falls during sports, such as when playing football, futsal, and other sports activities that use a lot of movement of bones and joints. This trauma can usually also occur due to having had an accident that caused a broken bone.
dr. Pradhana Wijayanta, Sp.OT if an injury occurs during exercise, whether light or heavy, take it to the hospital as soon as possible for examination or treatment, never take it to a chiropractor or massage therapist, because it can be mishandled, which in turn can worsen the condition of the injury .
- Infection
Pain due to a viral infection is closely related to complaints of joint pain. In cases of viral infections, joint pain can occur suddenly and attack all joints in the body. It feels similar to aches and fever.
- Tumor
As explained earlier, there are still many of us who take it for granted when experiencing pain in the bones and joints. Pain that often occurs in joints or bones can actually be a sign of a tumor in that part of the body. However, don't be afraid, we just need to have him checked at the hospital so we know where the symptoms we are experiencing are leading.
- genetics
It is undeniable, some diseases do occur due to genetic or hereditary factors. Likewise with complaints of bones and joints, can occur due to genetics. In these cases there are mild, but there are also severe. In mild genetic cases, it can continue to develop into severe ones, if not treated seriously from the start.
Basically, if the disease of the bones and joints is due to genetic factors, there is indeed no medicine that can cure one hundred percent, but according to Dr. Pradhana Wijayanta, Sp.OT can be overcome by slowing down the progress of complaints of pain in the bones and joints, for example, disorders of the X and O bent legs.
- Age
It's commonplace, complaints of bones and joints occur due to age. Such as back pain or commonly known as gout, or rheumatism. However, diseases due to this age factor can be prevented early on, with a good lifestyle, such as exercising, resting and eating a healthy diet.
It is important to know the characteristics of complaints about the bones and joints that you feel, what are the triggers or what is the chronology, this is so that the doctor can take appropriate action according to the complaint. In general, treating complaints of pain in the bones and joints can be done with pain relievers, but if the complaints don't go away and the pain persists, this indicates that there is a problem underlying the pain and needs to get further treatment, so you should get checked out. see an Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist doctor to find out the underlying cause of the bone and joint complaints.
Article written by dr. Pradhana Wijayanta, Sp.OT (Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist at EMC Tangerang Hospital).