Everyday, your lungs have an important role to exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide that the body produces. The lungs are included in the respiratory system and also have a relationship with the circulatory system. The lungs consist of the right and left lungs, each of which has 2 lobes. Several parts of the lungs, namely the alveoli, bronchioles, bronchi, and pleura, all of which have their own functions but are interconnected to support breathing so that you can carry out your daily activities.
Despite their importance, the lungs are prone to health problems. Lifestyle and air pollution are things that can interfere with lung function. To keep your lungs healthy, you can avoid these five things.
- Cigarette
Cigarettes are known as a major contributor to lung problems. Not only for active smokers, passive smokers are also vulnerable to the adverse effects of cigarette smoke. Diseases caused by smoking include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and pulmonary fibrosis. One of the biggest contributors to death in the world, namely lung cancer, is also caused by smoking. In addition, because the respiratory system is related to the circulatory system, smoking also increases your risk of having a heart attack and stroke.
If you are in the habit of smoking, it can be difficult to quit completely in a short time. However, if you have a strong desire to live a healthier life, you can start slowly to stop. Meanwhile, for you passive smokers, try to stay away from cigarette smoke and don't hesitate to remind those closest to you about the dangers of smoking.
- Alcoholic beverages
Various chemical substances contained in alcoholic beverages cause constriction of the lungs. As a result, you find it difficult to breathe even though your lungs are working so hard. Not only that, alcoholic beverages also have many other negative impacts on health. If you want your lungs to stay healthy, you can choose alternative drinks that are healthier for your body.
- Air pollution
For those of you who live in urban areas and often travel using public transportation or do outdoor activities, air pollution is difficult to avoid. Street dust, motor vehicle fumes, and industrial exhaust gases have become part of everyday life. In fact, the more often you are exposed to pollutants, the greater your risk of developing lung problems.
Pollutants in the air that are inhaled with micro-sized oxygen will enter, settle, and accumulate in your lungs. As a result, lung function and capacity is disrupted. The most easily felt symptom is a feeling of shortness after being outdoors for a long time. To protect your lungs, wear a mask with the ability to filter up to 95% of pollutants when outside.
- Foods and drinks high in nitrates and salt
Nitrates are found in processed foods made from red meat, including bacon , processed cut meats and sausages. This substance worsens the condition of the lungs of COPD sufferers.
Too much consumption of salt and salty foods also affects lung health. Salt makes the body retain water. Too much fluid puts pressure on your lungs, making it hard for you to breathe.
- Chemical material
Industrial chemicals, paints, and solvents can exacerbate lung disease. For that, make it a habit to read label instructions before using products with chemicals that have a strong enough smell. You can also wear a mask when you are going to use these chemical products.
Those are five things you need to avoid to maintain lung health. If activities and work force you to be exposed to these things, try to wear a mask. Apart from avoiding this, balance it with active exercise and eating healthy food so that your lung health is maintained. #LiveExcellently