How to Avoid GERD Recurrence During Fasting?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or stomach acid disease is a condition that is often complained of, especially when fasting. Some GERD sufferers may worry that fasting can worsen their symptoms. However, with proper management, fasting can be carried out comfortably without causing GERD recurrence. Here are some strategies that can be applied to avoid GERD recurrence during fasting.

1. Choose the Right Food for Sahur and Breaking the Fast

One of the main keys to controlling GERD during fasting is to pay attention to the types of food consumed. Some tips that can be applied:

  • Choose foods that are easy to digest , such as complex carbohydrates (rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal) which can help maintain stomach acid stability.
  • Avoid foods that trigger GERD , such as spicy, sour, high-fat, and fried foods.
  • Consume low-fat protein , such as skinless chicken, fish, and tofu and tempeh.
  • Increase fiber from vegetables and fruit to help digestion run smoothly.

2. Arrange a balanced diet

In addition to choosing the right foods, how to consume them is also important in avoiding GERD. Here are some things to consider:

  • Do not overeat when breaking the fast . Start with water and snacks such as dates, then continue with the main meal after 30 minutes.
  • Eat small portions but often . If possible, divide your meal times into two times when breaking the fast and one time during sahur.
  • Chew food well to reduce the workload on the stomach.
  • Avoid lying down immediately after eating , give a gap of at least 2-3 hours before going to bed.

3. Control Drinking Patterns to Prevent Dehydration

Dehydration can trigger excess stomach acid production, which can worsen GERD. Therefore:

  • Drink enough water (8-10 glasses per day), divided equally between sahur and breaking fast.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and soda which can trigger acid reflux.
  • Cut down on cold or carbonated drinks which can worsen GERD symptoms.

4. Avoid habits that trigger GERD

Apart from food and drink, some habits can also worsen GERD, such as:

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption , which can weaken the lower esophageal valve and trigger acid reflux.
  • Lack of sleep or irregular sleep , due to stress and fatigue can worsen stomach acid production.
  • Wrong sleeping position , it is better to sleep with the head higher than the body to reduce stomach acid reflux.
  • Heavy activity after eating , avoid exercise or heavy activity that can increase pressure on the stomach after eating. It is recommended to exercise after 1-2 hours after eating.

5. Managing Stress and Emotions

Stress can trigger increased stomach acid production, which can worsen GERD. To avoid this:

  • Do relaxation techniques , such as meditation, deep breathing, or dhikr after breaking the fast.
  • Get enough sleep , at least 6-8 hours a day to maintain the body's hormonal balance.
  • Avoid excessive emotional stress , because stress can cause increased stomach acid production.

6. Using Medication if Necessary

For GERD sufferers who are already undergoing treatment, consult a doctor whether the medication can be consumed during sahur or breaking the fast.

If GERD symptoms persist despite following these guidelines, consult a doctor immediately for further evaluation.


GERD sufferers can still fast comfortably if they adopt a healthy diet, avoid GERD triggers, maintain sleep patterns, and manage stress well. Consultation with a doctor before fasting is highly recommended for GERD sufferers who have severe symptoms or are undergoing treatment. With the right strategy, fasting can be a healthy moment without having to worry about GERD recurrence.

Article written by dr. Steffie Simpinano Solin, M.Ked(PD), Sp.PD (Internal Medicine Specialist, EMC Cibitung Hospital).