Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) is a condition where crystallization occurs in the urinary tract. The crystallization process is formed in the kidneys, then undergoes compaction and enlargement and is then carried by the urine stream so that it can block the urinary tract.
The most common symptom of someone with kidney stones is low back pain. The pain persists even when changing positions. Through various positions, the pain in the waist does not decrease. Whether sitting, standing, leaning right or left, the symptoms do not decrease.
Kidney Stone Symptoms
Apart from low back pain, other symptoms of kidney stones that patients often complain about include:
- Urination that is red or accompanied by blood.
- If it is accompanied by an infection, the patient will experience a fever.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Cannot urinate, because the kidneys are damaged so they cannot produce urine.
Kidney Stone Diagnosis
When a patient comes with complaints of suspected kidney stones, the doctor will carry out a series of examinations to confirm the diagnosis. First, start by taking an anamnesis, namely exploring the patient's history, such as asking about the complaints they are experiencing.
Second, the doctor will carry out laboratory tests including blood and urine.
Third, followed by an ultrasound examination to check for stones in the urinary tract. Other examinations can also be carried out, such as X-rays and CT Scans or CT Urology of the kidneys or urinary tract.
Conditions that must immediately receive medical treatment
There are three conditions in kidney stone patients that require immediate medical treatment.
- Severe Pain or Colic.
- If the urine is red or bloody and an infection occurs, it is a sign of fever.
- Can't Urinate Anymore.
Be alert if it's just back pain and mild nausea and vomiting
This condition is dangerous if the patient only complains of mild back pain or regular nausea. This pain will be considered muscle pain or aches. In fact, people like this usually come to the doctor with their kidneys in poor condition.
So, when you experience a complaint, immediately undergo an examination to find out the cause and get the best treatment.
Article written by dr. Yacobus Prangbuwono, Sp.U (Urological Surgery Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).