Maybe lately your EMC friend's parents have felt pain in their bones and muscles. Don't take it lightly, it could be that the symptoms you feel are symptoms of Osteoporosis.
What is Osteoporosis/brittle bones?
- Osteoporosis is an imbalance in bone composition that occurs due to a decrease in the ability of osteoblast cells to produce mature bone cells and an increase in the ability of osteoclast cells to break down mature bone cells, so that bone density and microarchitecture are reduced.
- Brittle bones can easily result in cracks or fractures.
Who is susceptible to osteoporosis?
- Women aged 50-70 years after experiencing menopause.
- Anyone who suffers from endocrine metabolic diseases (kidney failure, diabetes hypogonadism, hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, etc.), long-term effects of taking corticosteroid drugs, lack of exercise, alcoholism, lack of vitamin D3 and calcium.
Why should we be concerned about osteoporosis?
- The general public view is that the elderly should not leave the house so they rarely move, whereas in reality the elderly must move to avoid osteoporosis.
- Osteoporosis rarely causes symptoms, but when there are symptoms, they can cause bone fractures due to light impacts because the bones are already brittle.
- Mild symptoms of osteoporosis: stooped posture, reduced height, back pain.
- Consuming more than 3 cups of coffee and tea a day can interfere with calcium absorption and can cause osteoporosis if done long term.
When do we start checking bone density (DEXA Scan)?
- Women aged 50 years and over
- Men aged 60 years and over
- Any age who experiences a fracture due to minor impact
- Any age who has a lifestyle of smoking and drinking alcohol
How to prevent it?
- Stop smoking and alcohol
- Sunbathe at least 3 times a week, for 10-15 minutes
- Start moving and exercising (walking, running, yoga, cycling, swimming)
- High calcium diet (milk, cheese, yogurt, seafood, nuts, tempeh, tofu, green vegetables)
- Diet high in vitamin D (fish, meat, liver, egg yolks)
How to treat it?
Treatment varies from vitamin D and calcium, bone-strengthening drugs to hormone therapy (SERM, HRT, Teriparatide). This depends on the results of your consultation with your chosen doctor.
Those are some ways to prevent osteoporosis which are also to get strong and healthy bones in productive age. If you have further complaints related to osteoporosis, immediately consult your condition with an Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist.
Article written by dr. Felais Hediyanto Pradana, Sp.OT (Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist Doctor, EMC Sentul Hospital).