Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery (BESS) to treat spinal pain

One health problem that can occur at any age is pain in the spine. This condition can occur due to several factors, such as age, genetic disorders, or having an accident that results in injury to this area.

Don't underestimate pain in the spine because this health problem requires immediate treatment, not only does it cause discomfort, but spinal pain can also lead to weakness in the legs, and can even result in paralysis.

Pinched nerves are one of the medical problems that trigger spinal pain. This disorder is characterized by symptoms in the form of pain in the lower back or tailbone, stabbing pain in the buttocks area that spreads to the legs, and also a tingling feeling in the legs.

Not only pinched nerves, there is another health problem that can cause spinal pain, namely spondylolisthesis. This bone disorder occurs due to degenerative or aging processes, injury or cracks in the spine, and also due to hereditary factors.

BESS Action to Overcome Spinal Pain

BESS is a minimally invasive spinal surgery method. This method is similar to microscopic spine surgery in terms of the techniques used. BESS is also technically almost the same as conventional endoscopic spine surgery in the use of endoscopic or arthroscopic instruments.

Minimally invasive surgery allows reduction of unavoidable muscle dissection and injury, maintaining stability and reducing the risk of restabilization. This technique provides an alternative for unilateral or bilateral decompression of lumbar central spinal stenosis, foraminal stenosis, and low-grade spondylolisthesis.

The advantages of the BESS procedure are a reduced rate of postoperative infection due to continuous irrigation during the procedure, and a reduced need for fusion surgery for lumbar stenosis with extensive decompression.

Which Can Be Addressed with BESS Actions

BESS not only improves the condition of the bone pads (discs) but can also perform several actions at once, namely:

  • Decompression is reducing or releasing excessive pressure, especially in conditions of pinched nerves.
  • Overcoming bone spurs and thickening of facet joints.
  • Placing implants in the spinal column.
  • Can reduce bleeding.
  • Overcoming thickening of tissue that might pinch nerves.

Advantages of BESS Endoscopy Technology

  • Can clearly see the nerve area because of the wide field of view
  • The doctor can easily access the opposite side
  • More suitable for spinal stenosis or spinal calcification
  • The healing process is relatively fast

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This article was written by dr. Jephtah Tobing, B.MedSci (Hons), Sp.OT (K) Spine (Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology - Spine Consultant at Grha Kedoya Hospital).