Knee problems in the younger age group are mostly triggered by trauma or injury. Including sports injuries that are now popular such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball.
Unfortunately, not all young people immediately deal with the injuries they get. Some people do not handle the injury well, which can lead to serious consequences in the future.
Falls, trauma, there are bone injuries, ligament injuries, cartilage injuries, some are repaired, some are not repaired. As a result, in the long term, the bones will age faster.
Bones that age quickly can trigger calcification when entering an older age, such as 50 years and above.
If you age faster, when someone is maybe 50, 60, 70 years old, what is called calcification occurs. That is the most common, because of age, where when they were young there was trauma and it was not repaired properly.
Apart from age and a history of injuries that are not treated properly, knee problems can also be triggered by obesity, aka being overweight.
Overweight or obesity plays a huge role in the knees.
Knee Problems Can Be Marked by Mild Pain
Symptoms of knee problems can be marked by pain. The pain itself can start on a mild scale.
The pain sometimes starts off mildly, waking up feeling stiff, wanting to take the first step hurts. After walking for a while, the pain gradually decreases, daily activities are not disturbed.
Then, in the afternoon, after working a lot, his knee started to feel it again. The same complaint, stiff and painful, that was the beginning.
Pain Gets Worse Over Time
Over time, this knee pain will increase and get worse. If it usually only takes a few moments in the morning to be able to walk again, now it takes longer.
Over time the pain will increase, over time the pain will be continuous. There will be disturbances, disturbances in walking, disturbances in going up and down stairs, disturbances in squatting, difficulty praying, difficulty kneeling, and so on, until over time, movement is limited.
If symptoms like this have occurred, you should immediately see a doctor and get yourself checked. Before it's too late, before it has to be fixed.
Robot-assisted treatment of severe knee problems
Knee problems are divided into four levels. The first level is considered mild and the fourth level is the most severe.
Grade four means the cartilage is gone, it's bone to bone, the bone is completely attached. Well, then we can't fix it. Like a car, the tire is gone, we can't do anything else, we can replace it with a new tire."
The affected part of the knee can be replaced with an implant to create a new joint.
So it's not the bone that's replaced, many people think that the whole knee is replaced, no, not the bone, not everything is replaced. There's no need to replace the shell, what's replaced is the joint. The fewer joints that are replaced, the more comfortable the knee is like the original.
Joint replacement procedures now no longer have to use conventional methods, but can also be done with the help of robots, aka robotic surgical assistants .
Robots in knee replacement procedures act as navigation tools. They do not completely replace the role of doctors, but they can help doctors do their jobs more effectively.
Before cutting the bone, the robot will give suggestions, for example, whether the cut should be 9mm or 10mm.
But it all depends on the doctor who decides, here experience is important, if you don't have experience, don't have a good basis of course you will continue to follow what the robot says.
The article was created based on the Healthy Monday program in collaboration between EMC Healthcare and Liputan6, with resource persons Dr. Albert Gandakusuma, Sp.OT & Dr. Moch Nagieb, Sp.OT (K), FICS, MARS, AIFO-K, FiSQUA (Orthopedic Traumatology Specialist Doctors at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital).