Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Dealing with Psychological Problems

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or also called cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the psychotherapies used to overcome psychological problems. CBT can help treat mild to severe psychological problems such as anxiety, trauma, depression, and other psychological disorders.

In the process, the Psychologist will help the patient to change their thought patterns, feelings, and behaviors so that they can produce more positive changes in the patient's life. The psychologist will help the patient to identify and evaluate their negative and irrational thoughts that may cause stress and other psychological problems. This helps the patient to understand how thoughts can affect their feelings and moods, and how their feelings affect their behavior.

The goal after this therapy process is that patients can change unhealthy and undesirable behavior patterns into more positive and beneficial behaviors, so that each patient's therapy is involved in developing strategies and skills to overcome everyday challenges in a more effective way.

Psychological problems are a part of life that can be experienced by anyone. However, if it has started to interfere with daily activities, it is important to take steps to overcome it. By recognizing the types of psychological problems and applying the right therapy techniques, you can manage them better and live your life more calmly.

If you feel that the psychological problems you are experiencing are too severe or difficult to control, do not hesitate to seek help from a professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Article written by Rizky Purnomo Adji Churnawan, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist (Clinical Psychologist, EMC Cikarang Hospital).