Choosing a delivery method is one of the things that is a big consideration for expectant mothers. In Indonesia alone, the method of delivery most often used is the normal delivery method and caesarean section. The choice of this method is usually determined based on several factors, such as pregnancy history and the health condition of the expectant mother. This is because there are several requirements that must be met in order to give birth using the normal method. Both certainly have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Normal delivery
- The recovery process is fast, you can even leave the hospital within 24 to 48 hours after delivery
- There are no risks due to surgery, prolonged pain, stress from surgery, reactions to anesthesia, or surgical wound infections
- To accelerate the bonding process between mother and baby, you can even do IMD (early breastfeeding initiation), namely exclusive breastfeeding after giving birth
- There is less risk of babies getting health problems such as respiratory problems, allergies, asthma, lactose intolerance, and so on
- The process of normal childbirth in the future can be faster and shorter
- This can increase the risk of the baby being deprived of oxygen if the labor process is long
- There may be unexpected complications during delivery such as heavy bleeding
- There is an increased risk of the skin and tissue around the vagina stretching or tearing and causing injury or urinary incontinence
- The vagina must be sutured if it is torn or cut
- You may experience pain in the perineal area (the area between the vagina and anus) caused by stretching during labor
- It is possible to use a birthing aid such as a vacuum or forceps. In addition, there is also the possibility of injury to the mother such as bruising on the skin or birth canal injuries
Caesarean delivery
Usually, this method is chosen because there are several factors such as the medical condition of the mother, the position of the fetus, the size of the fetus, the size of the mother's pelvis, or the slow opening of the birth canal.
- The delivery date can be chosen by yourself
- No need to experience contractions for hours that have the potential to cause birth trauma
- It is unlikely that the baby will contract sexually transmitted infections from the mother because they do not pass through the vagina
- Reducing the risk of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
- Lowers the risk of birth injury
- The recovery process and hospitalization tend to take longer than a normal delivery
- The appearance of pain or prolonged pain in certain parts such as surgical scars
- Complications due to anesthesia (nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, severe headaches, or nerve damage) or complications due to surgery (blockage of blood vessels, infection, bleeding, and adhesions)
- There is a possibility of experiencing placenta previa in the next pregnancy and returning to caesarean section in the next delivery
- Become more limited in activities for at least 6 weeks after surgery
Basically, both normal and caesarean delivery methods have the same goal, namely to carry out labor smoothly and ensure that the mother and baby are safe. Thus, there is no method that can be labeled "better" than the others because the choice of method is based on the condition and condition of the mother when she is about to give birth and is adjusted to the results of consultations and examinations from obstetricians or midwives.
The article was written by dr. Ervina Ningsih, Sp.OG (Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital).