Current Treatment of Ischemic Stroke

Stroke is a “brain attack”. There are two known types of stroke, namely ischemic stroke (blockage of cerebral blood vessels) and hemorrhagic stroke/bleeding of cerebral blood vessels.

In this type of stroke, the arteries that supply blood to the brain are narrowed or blocked. This blockage is caused by blood clots or drastically reduced blood flow. This problem can also be caused by pieces of plaque resulting from atherosclerosis breaking off, causing blockages in the blood vessels.

There are two types of ischemic stroke that are prone to occur, namely thrombotic and embolic. Thrombotic stroke occurs when a blood clot forms in one of the arteries that supplies blood to the brain. The clot passes through the bloodstream and gets stuck, blocking blood flow. In a stroke, an embolism occurs when a blood clot or other debris forms in another part of the body, then moves to the brain.

Why does it have to be treated immediately?

The damaged area of the brain is divided into the ischemic core (brain tissue that is definitely dead) and the penumbra (the area that has not died and can be saved). The longer the brain does not get oxygen, the more extensive the brain damage. As time goes by, the area of the brain damaged increases, so getting prompt treatment will improve recovery.


First aid that can be done at home if the family experiences a stroke is

  • Secure the patient to a comfortable place
  • Elevate your head 15-30 degrees (1 pillow)
  • Make sure your head and neck are straight, not bent
  • Do not give food or drink by mouth to prevent the patient from choking

rt-PA (alteplase) and how it works for the treatment of ischemic stroke

Alteplase is a drug that can dissolve blocked blood clots. Often used after heart attacks and now known to break down a variety of

the size of blood clots because they vary in size and strength. The sooner alteplase is given, the better the outcome of recovery from stroke. Administration of alteplase must be done immediately, starting within 4.5 hours after the appearance of stroke symptoms.

Alteplase is given via drip infusion in the arm vein. All patients who choose to use alteplase will be monitored very closely and the brain will be re-scanned 24-36 hours after the drug is administered. Otherwise, the patient's treatment will be the same as anyone else who has had a stroke

Strokes can be prevented

  • Physical activity and stroke prevention

Physical activity is any body movement that increases energy expenditure by 30 minutes per day, 150 minutes per week, at moderate intensity (60-80% increase in heart rate during exercise). Let's start from 5 minutes per day of exercise.

  • Quit smoking
  • Control blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Do inspections at any time, check up

This article was written by dr. Sigit Dewanto, Sp.N, FINS, FINA ( Neurologist - Interventional Neurology Grha Kedoya Hospital)