Dear Parents, Recognize the Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

Cases of diabetes in children have been increasing lately. Diabetes is a disease caused by carbohydrate metabolism disorders characterized by increased blood sugar levels. According to data from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), the incidence of diabetes in children aged 0-18 years in Indonesia in 2023 reached 1,645 cases, a 70-fold increase compared to 2010.

The most common type of diabetes in children is type 1 diabetes. However, children can also experience type 2 diabetes. As a parent, it is important for you to recognize the risks and symptoms of diabetes in children so that this condition is not treated too late by a doctor.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed at age 7-10 or even younger. Type 1 diabetes occurs due to damage to the pancreas caused by an autoimmune process.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes that can appear in children:

  1. Frequent trips to the toilet to urinate or bedwetting. Frequent waking up at night to go to the toilet.
  2. Feeling very thirsty all the time. Your child may ask for drinks more often, drink drinks very quickly, or you may notice that they generally drink more.
  3. Feeling excessively hungry. Your child is eating more often and not feeling full.
  4. Feeling more tired than usual. Having less energy than usual, not playing or exercising as often
  5. Weight loss

Not only that, children with diabetes will get infections more often than usual, and if they get injured it will be more difficult to heal.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes in children

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes in children are the same as symptoms of type 1 diabetes, but the age is generally diagnosed at puberty. Type 2 diabetes is related to lifestyle such as excess weight and excessive sugar consumption. This type of diabetes can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle, unlike type 1 diabetes which cannot be prevented.

As a parent, you should be alert to some of the symptoms listed above. Symptoms of diabetes in children are the same as those in adults, but may appear in different ways, such as a child not wanting to play games as often as usual due to lack of energy. Parents should be aware of other symptoms your child may be showing.

What happens if diabetes symptoms in children are ignored?

It is not uncommon for children and adolescents to go undiagnosed with diabetes until they develop diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. In addition, high blood sugar levels can begin to damage parts of the child's body such as the eyes, kidneys, and others.

If your child has any of the above signs or symptoms of diabetes, you should immediately take him/her to the doctor and do a blood glucose test. Do not delay the treatment. Immediately check with the hospital for further consultation with a pediatrician to get proper & fast treatment and handling.

Article written by dr. Yehezkiel Nathanael S., M.Med.Sc, Sp.A (Pediatrician, Grha Kedoya Hospital).