Dissecting the Myths and Facts About Pregnancy, Which Are True?

It cannot be denied that many myths have circulated in society and are often believed to be something that can be used as a benchmark in routines. In fact, most of these myths have been passed down from generation to generation and many pregnant women have already implemented them. In fact, not all of these myths can be accepted from a medical perspective.

Therefore, it is important for mothers to understand which information is fact and which is just myth during pregnancy. The goal, of course, is so that the pregnancy can run smoothly and healthily until delivery. Know some pregnancy myths along with explanations of the facts. What are you curious about? Come on, find out the review here!

Pregnancy Myths and Facts

  1. Baby's Gender is Determined by the Shape of the Stomach
    This is a myth. This statement is also purely a myth. The shape of the stomach during pregnancy is influenced by the mother's body shape and weight during pregnancy, as well as the size and position of the fetus in the uterus. Until now, there are no studies that prove that the shape of the stomach during pregnancy is related to the sex of the fetus.

  2. Not allowed to bathe at night
    This is a myth . Bathing at night has not been or has not been proven to have a health impact on the body. The opinion that bathing at night causes rheumatism is also a myth. If the body is dirty or sweaty, it needs to be cleaned so as not to cause a buildup of dirt on the skin which can cause a risk of skin infection. However, it is best if you want to shower not too late because pregnant women also need to get enough rest. Apart from that, if you want to shower at night, you should use warm water to avoid drastic changes in temperature.

  3. Pregnant Women Must Eat Two Servings
    This is a myth . Pregnant women do need more calorie intake, but that doesn't mean pregnant women have to eat for 2 people at once. Weight gain for each pregnant woman is not the same. This depends on the mother's body mass index (BMI) and weight before pregnancy.

    If the pregnant woman falls into the category of underweight before pregnancy, add additional calories to the intake consumed, for example adding additional foods such as cheese, peanut butter on bread, or milk on cereal. Eating small portions more frequently is highly recommended if pregnant women are in the underweight category, namely around 5-6 times a day. However, if a pregnant woman is overweight before pregnancy, the pregnant woman must be more careful in choosing the type and amount of food intake. This is important to avoid gaining too much weight.

  4. During pregnancy, sexual intercourse is permitted
    This is a fact . As long as there are no prohibitions from the obstetrician and the pregnancy is not at risk, married couples can have sexual relations until just before delivery.

    The following are several conditions during pregnancy that mean pregnant women should not have sexual intercourse: There is a threat of premature labor, a history of rupture of the membranes before the term of pregnancy, and bleeding in the birth canal (in placenta previa, or abnormalities in the cervix).

  5. Prohibition of flying when pregnant
    This is a myth . Pregnant women are allowed to travel by plane. IATA ( International Air Transport Association ) recommends that the safe gestational age limit for mothers with normal single pregnancies is < 36 weeks and for twin pregnancies is < 32 but it all depends on the policy of airline permitted gestational age limit airlines generally request a pregnancy certificate from doctor at more than 28 therefore if mother in trimester her wants to travel by plane pregnant woman needs check with first ensure that there are no complications or factors could increase s risk giving birth prematurely being declared fit fly just remember mothers large uncomfortable sitting long time so women should consider purpose your trip.

In the course of pregnancy, it is important to separate myths and facts that can affect the health and well-being of mother and baby. With the right knowledge, expectant mothers can ensure that they provide the best care for themselves and also for the development of the baby they are carrying.

Article written by dr. Widi Astuti, Sp.OG (Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology at EMC Pekayon Hospital).