Congek or Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) is caused by chronic inflammation in the middle ear and the cavity of the mastoid bone which is accompanied by a rupture (perforation) of the eardrum. Congestion is generally characterized by a smelly discharge from the ear that continues for months. According to WHO, there are quite a lot of cases of CSOM in the world, namely around 65-330 million people who experience CSOM and 39-200 million people who suffer complications from hearing loss. Therefore, find out more about congee-related facts below.
What are the causes of convulsions and the risks?
The cause of congestion starts from the fact that a person often experiences inflammation in the middle ear. Generally, this inflammation comes from repeated nose and throat infections, ISPA, or a history of allergies (rhinitis).
Repeated inflammation will cause problems around the middle ear which can then result in a torn or ruptured eardrum. If this condition is not treated immediately, sufferers can experience reduced or lost hearing ability, brain abscess, or meningitis.
What are the symptoms of congee?
- Ear pain
Inflammation by bacteria causes swelling and pain in the ear. This is the main symptom of an ear infection.
- Discharge from the ear
Fluid that comes out of the ear as a sign of congestion usually lasts for more than two weeks. This condition is painless and this discharge can be clear or yellowish in color (pus) with a foul odor.
- Hearing disorders
Ears that secrete congestive fluid generally also experience hearing loss such as mild, moderate, to severe deafness.
- Losing balance
As a result of inflammation, the pressure on the middle ear labyrinth becomes greater, causing a loss of balance. As a result, you may walk unsteadily or find it difficult to maintain proper body position.
How to cure congee?
- Antibiotic drops
The doctor will usually give antibiotic drops into the affected ear twice a day for 14 days or until healed.
- Middle ear cleaning
If there is a piece of tissue that covers the middle ear, the doctor uses a special tool so that the debris does not block the administration of antibiotic drops.
- Operation
Ear surgery is the last resort if there is a severe tear in the eardrum or there is a tumor in the middle ear. The success of treating congee is relatively good. However, the potential for recurrence is certainly still there, so it is highly recommended to regularly consult a doctor.
How to prevent congestion and when to see a doctor?
- Keep your ears dry and not damp, especially for people who have had a history of wheezing
- Immediately cure diseases related to the nose and throat so that they are not sustainable so that all types of ear infections are avoided
- Immediately consult an ENT doctor if you experience ear problems
- Adopt a clean lifestyle to avoid various diseases that have the potential to cause congestion
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced nutritional diet
If you have experienced some of the symptoms mentioned above, immediately go to an ENT specialist to get the right therapy and treatment. It is highly not recommended for you to buy anticoagulants freely before meeting and getting a prescription from an ENT specialist. Don't underestimate the symptoms of the disease you are experiencing and seek professional help immediately so that you can get well soon and carry out normal activities. #LiveExcellently
Article reviewed by dr. H. Zahri Daya, Sp.ENT-KL (Ear Nose and Throat Specialist at EMC Hospital Tangerang).