Ankle injuries are a common health problem, both in daily activities and sports. In acute conditions, pain, bruising, and swelling occur. If not treated properly, it can eventually become a chronic condition where functional disorders can occur.
The Importance of the Ankle's Role in Daily Activities
The ankle is one of the most active joints, involved in every step we take, from standing, walking, running, jumping, and kicking. This joint is the foundation for supporting body weight and maintaining body balance. Bones, cartilage, connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments are the structures that form the ankle. To function properly, a normal ankle shape is required; good bone, joint and connective tissue structure; and stability. The connective tissue around the ankle plays an important role in keeping the ankle stable and optimal in carrying out its function.
Types of Ankle Injuries
Ankle injuries can vary depending on the structure that is damaged, the severity, from minor injuries to those that require further medical attention. In general, these injuries are divided into two, namely soft tissue injuries and injuries to bones and cartilage. Examples of common soft tissue injuries include torn ligaments (ATFL ligament is the most commonly injured ligament in the ankle), torn Achilles tendon, tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon). Bone injuries are fractures with or without ankle joint displacement.
Causes and Risk Factors for Ankle Injuries
Causes of ankle injuries include direct impact to the ankle or indirectly due to improper foot position when stepping, twisting, turning. Physical activities that involve jumping and rapid and sudden changes in direction, such as in basketball, soccer, or badminton, also have a high risk of ankle injury.
The physical condition of each individual is an important factor that plays a role in the occurrence of an injury.
Symptoms of Ankle Injury
Symptoms of ankle injuries vary depending on the duration of the injury, the structure that is injured, and the severity of the injury. In general, when acute there will be pain, swelling, bruising, difficulty in moving the joint, and even difficulty stepping or walking. If in chronic conditions there are several common complaints such as chronic pain, ankle instability, ankle deformity, and impaired function (for example, impaired walking).
When to Consult a Doctor
Fast and proper ankle injury treatment is essential to provide optimal results and reduce complications. Ankle injuries that are not treated properly can cause ankle joint instability ( instability ) and even joint calcification (osteoarthritis). In chronic conditions, complaints often occur in other limbs that primarily function to support body weight such as the knees, hip joints and even the spine. If you experience an ankle injury, it is important to immediately consult and get treatment from an expert.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Ankle Injuries
Using interview methods in collecting information from medical history to diagnose ankle injuries, conducting in-depth physical examinations and suggesting patients to undergo medical imaging examinations such as X-rays, USG, MRI, or CT Scans. The treatment given is adjusted to the diagnosis that has been established and the severity of the injury, ranging from administering drugs, conservative recovery/therapy programs to surgical procedures if necessary.
Treatment and Prevention
When someone has just experienced an ankle injury, the doctor will recommend the PRICE method ( Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation ) as initial treatment that can help reduce pain, swelling, prevent complications and speed up recovery.
- Protect : Protect or protect the injured ankle by using aids such as canes and braces.
- Res : Rest the ankle, avoid activities that can aggravate the ankle injury.
- Ice : Cold compress to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. Do not do warm compress or apply warm oil and balm. This will worsen the complaint and injury.
- Compression : Using elastic bandages to reduce swelling and internal bleeding. Be careful in using elastic bandages because it can worsen the condition if used incorrectly. Using them too tightly can inhibit blood flow, leading to further complications. Massaging the ankle after an injury will worsen the tissue damage that is occurring.
- Elevation : Positioning the feet higher than the heart to facilitate blood flow back to the heart, which is very helpful in reducing swelling and preventing complications due to the ankles becoming increasingly swollen over time.
However, for more serious injuries, medical procedures such as plaster casts or even surgery may be necessary.
In addition, to prevent recurrent injuries, patients do strengthening and flexibility exercises on the muscles and ligaments around the ankle, are careful when doing activities, warm up before exercising and cool down after exercising, maintain ideal body weight and choose the right footwear.
Article written by dr. Alfa Januar Krista, Sp.OT (Foot and Ankle Surgeon), M.Kes, FICS, AIFO-K (Specialist Doctor of Orthopedics & Traumatology Foot & Ankle RS EMC Pekayon).