Lack of confidence in the body is often experienced not only by women but also by men. Weight is a common factor that causes this, because losing weight is not as easy as one might think.
It doesn't mean that I don't love myself, precisely because I want to be better, I (Initial Name of Patient : DRD) who is 53 years old, want to maintain an ideal body shape. Various treatments are carried out by several clinics. Such as injections to burn fat, fat cooling methods, and various other methods. However, the results are still not as expected. The part that makes me lack self-confidence has not diminished.
Until finally I started hearing about the liposuction method, or what is commonly known as liposuction. Out of curiosity, I started looking for information on this method on the internet and also asked for references from friends who had done this action. Liposuction at EMC Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center (RS EMC Sentul) turned out to be one of the recommendations that emerged from an internet search.
Get to know Liposis/Lipolife 3G
The first thing I did was try to get to know what Liposis treatment is in more depth. Basically, this Liposis treatment is a simultaneous laser procedure and suction for the best results. Lipolife 3G itself provides repair results in various areas of the body in a shorter time, of course with a more comfortable process.
I also read that Lipolife provides minimally invasive solutions for liposuction, skin tightening and fat grafting. With a process like this, the risk of bleeding and bruising is lower. Patient recovery time is also faster. So, patients can have the desired face and body shape.
Out of curiosity, I looked for more detailed information by contacting the EMC Sentul Hospital. It turned out that the service provided was very good. They were able to provide the explanations needed, including the worries I experienced because of information from some friends. They even gave advice on removing all the questions that worried me to the plastic surgeon at the time of the consultation.
Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon Specialist
After making an appointment with a plastic surgeon, I can also express various questions that have been my concern. Starting from whether the action area will hurt, skin damage that can occur, bleeding, bruising, to fat embolism. Everything can be explained in detail by experienced doctors. In my experience, this consultation session is very important before carrying out the procedure, so you can understand the procedure and eliminate unnecessary anxiety.
Liposuction / Liposuction Action Process
Two days before the scheduled action, I was asked to come to make various preparations. Starting from blood tests, heart records, and PCR swabs which are mandatory during a pandemic.
As soon as the D-day arrives, a feeling of nervousness and anxiety arises. Fortunately, there is a nurse who always accompanies her to the action room. As soon as I arrived at the room, the doctor also explained again about what actions would be carried out which finally made me feel calmer.
As soon as the action was finished, I returned to the treatment room. It was a real surprise because I didn't feel pain like the news that was widely circulated. I only need to rest for a while, I can already do my usual activities. However, I am required to wear garments such as corsets for a certain period of time.
The liposuction process that I did myself was around the stomach area and back waist. When I saw the results, I was quite satisfied because part of my stomach had visibly reduced, even though it still looked a little swollen.
It turns out, liposuction isn't as scary as you might think! The process is also painless and safe. However, if you want to do this procedure, make sure you consult a doctor who is an expert in his field. Don't forget to do it in a really safe place with complete medical support.
My experience doing liposuction at EMC Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center located at EMC Sentul Hospital makes me not hesitate to give recommendations to others. Supported by experienced and professional plastic surgeons, the procedure is sure to be safe.