Incredible headaches in the eye area that appear suddenly certainly interfere with your activities. Especially if you experience it just before it's time to rest at night. Headaches make it difficult for you to sleep and result in feeling weak when you wake up in the morning. Headaches in the eye area several times a day, especially at night, is a sign that you have cluster headaches.
Cluster headaches are pain in the head that recur in certain cycles. Cycles occur either in a matter of weeks or a matter of months. Based on the cycle, cluster headaches are divided into two types, namely episodic headaches and chronic headaches. If you experience 1-2 headaches over a period of a week to a year, with a headache-free period of approximately one month, you likely have episodic headaches. If your headaches occur more frequently and without a clear break, you may have chronic headaches.
Apart from being marked by pain in the eye area, there are several other symptoms that indicate that you have cluster headaches. In the early stages, you will experience a headache with increasing pain and nausea. If it occurs at night, this headache causes you to be restless and difficult to sleep. The nostril on the same side of the head that is experiencing pain becomes blocked. While in the eyes, you can see several signs such as smaller pupils, excess tear production, red eyes that are swollen, and drooping eyelids.
Until now, the main cause of cluster headaches has not been determined. Allegedly this headache is caused by a disturbance of the biological clock regulated by the hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus functions to maintain normal body functions.
Although the main cause is not clear, there are several factors that can trigger cluster headaches. These factors include stress, extreme temperatures, too hot weather, and allergies.
Generally, cluster headaches do not cause death. However, headaches that continue to occur suddenly are certainly very disturbing to your activities and rest time. If the headache starts to bother you significantly and you don't think headache medicine is helping, you can go to the hospital for an examination.
To help with the diagnosis, your doctor will ask you to describe the headache you are experiencing. You can also describe the point that hurts, the duration and frequency of the headache. Next, the doctor may perform a neurological examination procedure to check your brain function, senses, reflexes, and nerves. If needed, you will go through a scanning procedure with an MRI and CT scan for further examination.
After the diagnosis is complete, the doctor will provide treatment therapy that is most suitable for your headache. One of the effective therapies to treat cluster headaches is Pulsed Radiofrequency (PRF). This therapy works to relieve pain using an electric field through electrodes placed around the nerves.
Before PRF therapy begins, the doctor will give you a local anesthetic so you feel comfortable when the radiofrequency needle is injected into the body. To be accurate, doctors use x-rays to position the electrodes. If the position is correct, the doctor will perform the PRF procedure. The process takes from 30 minutes to an hour.
You will feel pain after therapy. However, this pain will disappear in 2-4 days. You will feel the maximum effect of radiofrequency within 1-2 weeks. After that, you can return to your free activities without being disturbed by headaches.
Even though you have received treatment, you should stay away from headache triggers. Avoid strong-smelling items such as paint, gasoline, perfume, and smelly chemicals. You can also reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Also avoid doing activities in the middle of the weather that is too sunny if it's not urgent. Don't forget to exercise regularly, get enough rest, and eat a balanced nutritious diet. #LiveExcellently