Autoimmune disease is a disease caused by the body's immune system attacking the body's own tissues. Under normal conditions, the immune system protects the body from attack by foreign organisms, such as bacteria or viruses. However, in autoimmune sufferers, the body's immune system sees these healthy body cells as foreign organisms. So that the body's immune system will release proteins called autoantibodies to attack healthy body cells. So, to find out more about autoimmune diseases, identify several types of diseases that can form due to these conditions, including:
- Lupus
Symptoms of lupus can be seen from the appearance of rashes, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and other disorders that can reduce quality of life. If not treated quickly, it will damage other body tissues, such as attacking the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints and can reach all parts of the body.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
This disease that attacks the lining of the joints can attack all ages. Rheumatoid arthritis in severe conditions can cause joints to shift or change shape.
- Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the insulin-producing cells are attacked by the body's own immune system. That way, the body cannot produce insulin so that blood sugar becomes high. This excessive amount of blood sugar can damage various organs, such as the eyes, teeth, gums, nerves and kidneys.
- Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata attacks where the hair grows so that it can cause baldness. Usually this autoimmune condition is more experienced by people aged 20 and under.
- Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a disease that causes chronic skin disorders. In general, it is characterized by reddish, flaky, calloused, dry and scaly skin. Usually these symptoms appear on the scalp, knees, lower back and elbows.
- Behcet's syndrome
Behcet's syndrome is an inflammatory disease that causes sores and sores in the mouth and genitals, as well as swollen skin and joints. Although they can heal, these wounds usually reappear frequently.
The exact reason why the immune system can attack healthy cells in the body is not really known. However, there are several factors that can cause a person to be more at risk of developing an autoimmune disease, such as the following factors:
- Environment
This factor is one of the major factors that influence the emergence of autoimmune diseases. An environment that is polluted by chemicals such as asbestos, silver, gold and mercury is more at risk of making the people around it experience autoimmune disease conditions.
- Heredity or genetics
If there are autoimmune sufferers in the family, the risk of experiencing the same autoimmune disease is greater because this disease can be passed from parents to their children.
- stress
Prolonged stress can cause changes in bodily functions. Even though stress is something that cannot be separated from everyday life, there are many ways you can do to manage it, such as by exercising and communicating the problems that cause stress with people you trust. By managing stress, the risk of developing autoimmune diseases is reduced.
- Hormonal changes
Some autoimmune diseases often attack women after childbirth and menopause, where many hormonal changes occur in a woman's body.
Then, can autoimmune diseases be cured? Currently, autoimmune diseases cannot be completely cured. The current treatment is still limited to controlling overactive immunity and reducing inflammation. Even so, by carrying out routine treatment to the doctor, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and managing stress, the symptoms of autoimmune conditions themselves can be reduced so that you can still have a good quality of life and #LiveExcellently.