Fibroadenoma (FAM) is the most common type of benign tumor found in adolescents or young adults aged 14 to 35 years. This tumor rarely has the risk of developing into a malignant tumor or cancer. However, this condition can sometimes cause discomfort, breast deformity, and in some cases can grow into a fairly large lump, called a "giant fibroadenoma".
What are the Characteristics of Fibroadenoma?
Fibroadenoma sometimes does not show any symptoms, so often sufferers are not aware of it. However, it is important to know the characteristics of fibroadenoma correctly. The general characteristics of fibroadenoma are the appearance of lumps in one or both breasts followed by the following characteristics:
- Generally, lumps in Fibroadenoma are not accompanied by pain. However, in some individuals it can cause discomfort, pain, and swelling, especially in the premenstrual phase.
- Lumps in FAM can be felt, are round or oval with firm edges and vary in size. Lumps in fibroadenoma are mobile or easily moved.
What are the Causes and Risk Factors of Fibroadenoma?
The exact cause of fibroadenoma is unknown, but it is thought to be related to sensitivity to the hormones estrogen and progesterone, genetic factors, and obesity also play a role.
Fibroadenoma Diagnosis Steps
In addition to conducting a physical examination, the doctor will carry out several supporting examinations, including:
- Ultrasonography (USG)
- Mammography
- MRI (Magnetic Resonant Imaging)
- Sampling with Biopsy (Fine Needle, FNAB, or Core Biopsy)
Treatment and Management Steps for Fibroadenoma
Treatment of fibroadenoma depends on its size and symptoms. Some treatment options and management steps that may be considered include:
- Conduct routine observations or checks
- If the fibroadenoma is small and does not cause symptoms, only regular examinations are needed.
- If the fibroadenoma continues to grow in size, action can be taken to remove the fibroadenoma by:
- Excision surgery or lampectomy, if the size of the fibroadenoma is quite large.
- Through minimally invasive procedures, if the size of the fibroadenoma is small enough, measuring less than three centimeters.
- VAB - a minimally invasive technique using a vacuum under ultrasound guidance to remove fibroadenomas.
- Radiofrequency Ablation - using radiofrequency techniques to destroy fibroadenomas
- Cryablation - a minimally invasive technique using N2O fluid to freeze and destroy fibroadenomas.
Understanding the Importance of Early Detection of Fibroadenoma
Although fibroadenomas are benign tumors, early detection is still important to ensure that the lump that appears in the breast is not something more serious. It is important for every woman to perform regular breast self-examinations and report any changes or lumps found to her doctor.
Fibroadenomas are benign tumors that are often found in young women and are not cancerous. Although they are not dangerous, it is important to monitor and have any lumps in the breast checked to ensure a proper diagnosis. With early detection and proper management, fibroadenomas can be treated well without causing serious problems. If you find a lump or change in your breast, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
Article written by dr. I Made Chandra Ari Kumara, Sp.B(K)Onk (Surgical Oncology Specialist Doctor, EMC Sentul Hospital).