Acute Respiratory Infection or often called ARI is an infection that attacks parts of the human respiratory tract, both the upper and lower respiratory tract. ISPA is a type of disease that is easily transmitted and can be experienced by all ages, both children and the elderly. ISPA can attack anyone with a less fit body condition. Viruses and bacteria are the cause of someone experiencing ARI, transmission is also very easy. Viruses and bacteria can be transmitted through the air, splashing saliva, and touching items that have been contaminated with sufferers. ARI can occur in several respiratory organs such as the pharynx, larynx, sinuses, to the nose. One example of ARI that is rapidly spreading is Covid-19.
ARI is a type of disease that attacks the human respiratory tract, therefore ARI cannot be underestimated. It is important to know what types of ISPA are, what are the symptoms, and how to treat them.
ARI types
ISPA infection can attack the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. An explanation of the differences in upper respiratory tract infections and lower respiratory tract infections is as follows:
- Upper respiratory tract infection
Upper respiratory tract infections attack the respiratory parts such as: throat, pharynx, larynx and bronchi. Types of infection caused include:
- Sinusitis
Sinusitis is inflammation or swelling that occurs in the sinus area (air cavity behind the facial bones)
- Pharyngitis
Pharyngitis is inflammation in the throat area
- Laryngitis
Laryngitis is swelling or inflammation of the vocal cords, causing a hoarse voice
- Tonsillitis
Tonsillitis or tonsils is inflammation of the tonsils due to viral and bacterial infections
- Lower respiratory tract infection
Lower respiratory tract infection is an infection that attacks the respiratory system below the throat and lungs. Lower respiratory tract infections are usually more dangerous than upper respiratory infections. The types of infections caused, namely:
- Pneumonia
Pneumonia is inflammation of the alveoli so that they fill with fluid or water
- Bronchitis
Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi or the airways leading to the lungs
- Bronchiolitis
Bronchiolitis is inflammation of the bronchioles or small air passages in the lungs
Symptoms that arise
Symptoms of ARI can be experienced by sufferers for approximately 1-2 weeks. The symptoms they cause also vary. There are differences in symptoms between upper respiratory tract infections and lower respiratory tract. Here are some of the symptoms that are caused.
Symptoms of ARI in the upper respiratory tract:
- Headache
- Fever
- Cough
- Have a cold
- Feel pain when swallowing
- Runny nose
- Face hurts
- Easily tired
- Enlargement of the lymph nodes
- Muscle ache
Symptoms of ARI in the lower respiratory tract:
- Hard to breathe
- Bluish skin color due to lack of oxygen
- Fever
- Cough with phlegm
How to treat ISPA
ARI with mild symptoms can be treated in the following simple ways, including:
- Get plenty of rest and consume enough water
- Taking pain relievers
- Sleep with the head position higher than the body to facilitate breathing
- Inhale hot water vapor added to eucalyptus oil or menthol
- Taking cough or cold medicine
Those are some simple ways that can be done to treat ISPA. If the symptoms do not improve for a long time, immediately consult your doctor to get the right treatment.
Article written by dr. Taruli Loura Batubara, Sp.P (Lung & Respiratory Specialist at EMC Cibitung Hospital).