What is Meningitis?
Meningitis is a disease that occurs when the lining that protects the brain and spinal cord called the meninges becomes inflamed/infected. This disease is quite difficult to recognize at first because the symptoms that appear are often considered similar to flu, fever, and headaches. In general, meningitis is caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. In some cases, meningitis can also be caused by an immunological reaction, systemic disease, or lupus. Other conditions that can weaken the immune system can also cause meningitis.
What are the Risk Factors for Meningitis?
Caused by bacteria and viruses, one of the factors that increase the risk of meningitis is an environment that has a low level of cleanliness. In addition, the risk of transmitting the meningitis virus can also increase in crowded environments such as dormitories or camps. Usually, meningitis caused by a virus tends to occur in children under 5 years of age, while meningitis caused by bacteria is susceptible under the age of 20 years.
What are the Symptoms of Meningitis?
Although the initial symptoms of meningitis are quite similar to flu, fever, and headaches, there are several other symptoms that are common in people with meningitis, including:
- Stiffness in the neck
- Pain in the neck to chin and chest
- Fever
- Vomit
- Sensory disturbances
- Loss of consciousness and brain edema
- convulsions
- Headache
Whereas in infants under 2 years, meningitis can be marked by the appearance of a lump on the head.
Meningitis Treatment and Prevention
The type of treatment given to people with meningitis varies depending on the cause of the disease. In meningitis caused by a virus, the drug given is an antiviral class of drugs and the patient will improve by getting enough rest and drinking lots of water. In meningitis caused by bacteria, the drugs given are antibiotics or corticosteroids which function to kill the bacteria that cause it. Whereas in meningitis caused by fungi, the drugs consumed are antifungal drugs complemented by adequate rest and a healthy lifestyle.
To prevent meningitis, you can give your baby immunizations that aim to build immunity. In addition, it is also quite important to avoid overcrowding in the living environment and avoid direct contact with people with meningitis.
If you or your closest relative starts to feel the symptoms mentioned above, immediately consult and check the condition with the doctor and the nearest hospital so that medical action can be given.
The article was written by dr. Rosa Anggraeni DMSi. M.Med, Sp.S (Neur Specialist at EMC Pekayon Hospital).