Want to Do Lasik Eyes? Know the Various Risks!

LASIK surgery, a medical procedure performed to correct various vision problems. Just like any other surgery, LASIK surgery also has risks. Therefore, it is important for us to know things about LASIK surgery before undergoing it.

LASIK surgery or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis is a medical procedure that aims to treat visual disturbances such as nearsightedness (myopia), ranging from low myopia to high myopia with or without astigmatism.

In order for vision to be better and free from the use of glasses, the patient will be operated on using a laser beam to erode the corneal tissue.

Things to watch out for before LASIK surgery

In order to avoid various risks, you should avoid the LASIK surgery method if:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Suffering from certain eye disorders, such as dry eyes, cataracts, glaucoma, eyelid disorders, inflammation of the cornea, clouding of the cornea of the eye
  • Have a large pupil or a thin cornea
  • Experiencing vision problems related to drug use or aging, such as presbyopia
  • Have an autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Have a weakened immune system due to immunosuppressive treatment or suffer from HIV

Things that need to be prepared before LASIK surgery

Usually, doctors will do the following before undergoing a LASIK surgery procedure:

  • Thorough eye exam to make sure the eyes are in good condition. The doctor will measure the thickness of the cornea, pupils, refraction and eye pressure, examine dry eyes.
  • Record the patient's medical history as well as drugs that are currently being actively consumed
  • Explaining the procedure during LASIK surgery, handling afterward, as well as the risks and benefits of LASIK surgery

As for patients, here are some things that need to be obeyed before LASIK surgery:

  • Not wearing contact lenses for at least 2-3 weeks before eye exams and before surgery
  • Bring glasses you normally use
  • Do not wear eye makeup or hair accessories that can interfere with the position of the head during surgery
  • Clean eyelashes every day before LASIK surgery to remove debris and minimize the risk of infection

Various risks of LASIK surgery

After LASIK surgery, patients will feel eye discomfort for 4-6 hours, and it is recommended to close their eyes and rest. There are several side effects that patients may experience after LASIK surgery, namely:

  • Dry eyes
  • Disorders of the corneal folds
  • Astigmatism
  • Sensitive to light
  • Impaired vision
  • Undercorrections
  • overcorrections ,

The various risks above are actually only temporary and will disappear within a few weeks after surgery. Complete corneal healing can take up to 3 months, and varies from person to person. However, there are also several cases where patients must continue to wear glasses or contact lenses, and some even have to undergo additional surgery.

So, before carrying out LASIK surgery, it is important for you to find as much information as possible from experienced doctors at trusted hospitals. In addition, the results of LASIK surgery for each person can vary.

Article written by dr. Degiana Syabdini Edwiza, Sp.M (Eye Specialist at Tangerang EMC Hospital).