HMPV Virus Spreading? What are the Symptoms and Prevention?

Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is currently in the spotlight due to its widespread distribution. Although it generally causes mild symptoms in most people, this virus can cause serious complications, especially in children, the elderly, and those with certain health problems. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms to watch out for and the preventive measures that can be taken.

What is HMPV Virus?

Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a virus that lives in the respiratory tract. This virus was first discovered in 2001, and has since become one of the causes of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs). HMPV is very similar to the RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) virus, which often infects children and can cause lung disease. Although HMPV can affect anyone, people with weak immune systems, such as children, the elderly, and those with lung or heart disease, are more susceptible to more serious infections.

The virus can spread throughout the year, but is more common in the fall and winter. It is spread through droplets in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, and through direct contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus.

HMPV Symptoms You Need to Know

Symptoms of HMPV infection vary, from mild flu-like symptoms such as coughing, nasal congestion, to fever. In children and adults with certain medical conditions, the infection can cause bronchitis or pneumonia. The following are symptoms commonly experienced by HMPV sufferers:

  1. Dry or phlegmy cough
    Cough is the main symptom of HMPV, it can be a dry or phlegmy cough. This condition can interfere with comfort and indicate an infection in the respiratory tract.
  1. Fever
    Fever is the body's reaction to an infection, such as HMPV. Mild to moderate fever is common with this infection, indicating the body's resistance to the virus that attacks the respiratory system.
  1. Stuffy or runny nose
    A stuffy or runny nose is common in HMPV infections, due to inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. This symptom causes discomfort, especially when breathing through the nose.
  1. Hard to breathe
    Shortness of breath may occur in more severe stages of HMPV infection. This condition indicates that the respiratory tract is experiencing difficulty, requiring immediate medical attention to prevent serious complications.
  1. Wheezing or whistling breathing sounds
    Wheezing is a high-pitched breathing sound, often heard in children. This symptom occurs due to narrowing of the airways, which indicates more serious inflammation or infection.

In some cases, HMPV infection can affect the lower respiratory tract, causing more serious infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, which require further medical attention.

What are the risk factors for HMPV?

Although HMPV can be experienced by anyone, there are several conditions that increase a person's risk of suffering from this condition. Here are some of the HMPV risk factors in question:

  • Under 5 years of age (especially premature babies) or over 65 years of age.
  • Having a weakened immune system (due to conditions such as HIV , cancer, or autoimmune disorders , or due to medications that suppress your immune system).
  • Suffering from asthma or COPD.

How is HMPV diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will usually diagnose HMPV based on your symptoms and medical history. They will then recommend that you undergo a Respiratory Panel PCR test. This test uses a soft-tipped stick (swab) to take a sample from your nose or throat. The sample will then be sent to a laboratory. The laboratory will then test the sample for viruses and other infections.

If needed, your healthcare provider may also perform a bronchoscopy or chest X-ray to look for changes in your lung airways. So remember, if you experience some of the above symptoms, get checked out right away. Don't wait for the symptoms to get severe enough to harm you.

What are the complications of HMPV?

Sometimes HMPV causes complications. These complications can be serious and require you to be hospitalized. These complications include:

How to Treat HMPV

Most HMPV infections do not require special medical treatment and can resolve on their own within a few days. Treatment is generally symptomatic, aimed at relieving symptoms and maintaining patient comfort. The following are some medications that may be prescribed by a lung and respiratory specialist to treat HMPV respiratory virus infections:

  1. Fever-reducing medication : Medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to relieve fever and pain.
  2. Cough medicine : Use cough medicine recommended by a doctor to reduce the cough experienced by the sufferer.
  3. Adequate hydration : Staying well hydrated can help thin mucus and soothe the throat.
  4. Steam inhalation : Inhaling warm steam can help reduce coughing and also relieve nasal congestion.

In children and the elderly, if symptoms worsen or shortness of breath occurs, more intensive treatment may be needed, such as oxygen or hospitalization.

Effective Prevention of HMPV

Preventing the transmission of HMPV is very important to reduce the risk of spread in your environment, therefore, here are some preventive steps that can be taken:

  1. Washing hands with soap and water
    Washing your hands with soap and water after coughing, sneezing, or touching common objects helps remove germs and viruses. This prevents the transmission of HMPV through contaminated hands.
  1. Wear a mask when in public places
    Wearing a mask in public or when sick prevents the transmission of HMPV. Masks block droplets that can spread the virus to others, protecting those who are more vulnerable.
  1. Keep your distance from people who are sick
    Maintaining a distance of at least one meter from a sick person reduces the risk of transmitting HMPV. The virus is spread through droplets when coughing or sneezing, so it is important to avoid close contact with an infected person.
  1. Avoid sharing personal items
    Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or cups. HMPV can survive on surfaces, and sharing items carries the risk of spreading infection, especially if they are contaminated by droplets from an infected person.
  1. Maintain a healthy diet
    Maintaining your immune system through a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise helps strengthen your immune system. A strong immune system is better equipped to fight HMPV and other diseases.

Pay Attention to HMPV Symptoms and Consult a Doctor Immediately

If symptoms such as severe cough, shortness of breath, or high fever persist for more than a few days, seek medical attention. If accompanied by chest pain, confusion, or difficulty breathing, seek medical care immediately. Medical check-ups are important to prevent complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

HMPV can cause mild to severe symptoms. By recognizing symptoms early and implementing appropriate preventive measures, we can reduce the risk of spreading. Consult a doctor if symptoms do not improve, especially in children, the elderly, or those with certain medical conditions.

Article written by dr. Jubilette Windy, M.Ked (Lung), Sp.P (Lung Specialist Doctor, EMC Grha Kedoya Hospital).