Cycling hobby? This Gowes Sport Turns Out to Have Lots of Benefits

Cycling is a sport that is currently popular. Cycling is a type of low-impact exercise that is preferred by those who are just starting to exercise, want to reduce weight, and those who are prone to injury. So what are the benefits of cycling? Check out the reviews.

The benefits of cycling

In addition to helping reduce air pollution, cycling has benefits for our health, including:

  1. Improve cardiovascular fitness

By cycling uphill, fast, or simply at a faster pace than you normally do, you can indirectly lower your blood pressure. This reduces the strain on the heart, in turn reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Like aerobic exercise, cycling will increase the presence of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body, whose job is to reduce fatty deposits in the arteries. Some evidence shows that exercise can reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) whose job is to increase fatty deposits in the arteries (contributing to heart disease).

  1. Reducing stress levels

Paddling a bicycle can be fun while enjoying the scenery and breathing fresh air. The body produces happy hormones (endorphins), this is also a great way to forget the source of your stress while at the same time improving your fitness.

  1. Burn fat and calories

Cycling is a great way to burn calories and get rid of fat so you can maintain or lose weight. Cycling at a steady pace will increase your metabolism. Calorie burning occurs temporarily while cycling and after getting off the bike. One hour of cycling has the potential to burn 300 calories. Cycling for half an hour every day means burning about 11 pounds (+ 5 kg) of fat if done in a year.

  1. Increase leg muscle strength

Pedal power is an intense workout for your feet. The more cycling you do, the stronger your legs will be. There is an increase in strength in everything you do, from climbing stairs, to running around a park or field.

  1. Also trains the upper body

Besides being good for leg strength, cycling will also train your upper body. This occurs when riding up hills or over rough terrain where 70% of body weight will pass through the saddle and handlebars (above the hips) thereby working the muscles of the upper body.

  1. Fights common health disorders and may lower your risk of developing some cancers

According to research in Finland, people cycling for 30 minutes or more per day have a 40% lower risk of developing diabetes. Research conducted in the US shows that adults who increase their physical activity, either in intensity, duration, or frequency, can reduce their risk of developing colon cancer by 30 – 40% relative to those who are sedentary, regardless of body mass index. . Other studies have shown that exercising regularly can reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer. Research results vary, but show that the risk can be reduced by between 20% and 80%.

  1. Build stamina

Like any other sport, the more you cycle, the longer you feel tired. Building stamina is not only really great for overall fitness, it also provides a sense of personal accomplishment and for good mental health.

  1. Helps fight depression

The effects of depression are different for everyone, but what is common for everyone who suffers is that the release of endorphins can be very beneficial. Cycling is a great way to increase the endorphins in your body, making you feel happier and more positive.

For safety when cycling, make sure you are wearing a bicycle helmet and obey the existing traffic signs.

Article written by dr. Bobby N. Nelwan, Sp.OT(K) (Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist Sports Injury Consultant at EMC Pulomas Hospital).