What is the difference between vitamins and supplements?
Vitamins are organic compounds that are found in many vegetables and fruits that we consume. Vitamins and minerals are needed by the body to support the performance of our daily organs. Without adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, we can experience physical symptoms. For example, when the body is deficient in vitamin C, we can experience canker sores or bleeding gums; we can experience beriberi when we are deficient in vitamin B1; and vitamin D deficiency can lead to decreased immunity.
Meanwhile, supplements are additional substances that contain good nutrition for our bodies. Supplements are processed in factories and produced in various forms: pills, capsules, tablets or liquids. One type of supplement generally contains several vitamins and minerals that the body needs. We can take additional supplements with minimal doses if we don't get these various substances naturally from our daily diet. Of course, a person's need for vitamins and minerals is specific to each person's body condition.
Is it true that taking supplements can prevent COVID-19?
To prevent being exposed to COVID-19, first of all we must continue to carry out health protocols: wash hands with soap, wear masks, and maintain distance. The role of vitamins and minerals is to prevent our immunity from decreasing, so that we can ward off complications due to COVID-19.
Vitamins and minerals are still needed to support our body's performance even though we are active at home. Primarily, most of these needs can be met when we have a good diet. Everyone's nutritional needs will be different. Nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water still have to be readjusted to a person's needs based on age, sex, weight and height, physical activity and the specific conditions that a person is experiencing.
In general, exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to protect infants and toddlers, while the minimum dose of supplements is usually sufficient to meet the needs of children. For productive age and adults, certain conditions such as being underweight , experiencing chronic illness, and other critical illnesses will require higher levels of vitamins and minerals. For the elderly who have started to experience a decrease in appetite, special vitamins to increase appetite and some vitamins and minerals are expected to increase immunity, increase appetite, improve complaints and also improve the patient's quality of life.
In addition to sufficient nutrition for the body, we must also continue to do physical activity so that the vitamins and all the nutrients that have entered the body can effectively support our body's performance. Physical activity can be anything: sports, cooking, cleaning the house, and much more. In addition to nourishing the body, physical activity can also release stress hormones so that the level of immunity increases. Efforts to increase immunity cannot be done by simply improving one factor, but by finding a balance between all of them: food, drink, physical activity, duration and quality of sleep, to stress levels.
For patients with COVID-19, doctors will provide more specific nutritional needs. Usually, doctors will provide additional supplements in the form of minerals, vitamin D, vitamin C, probiotics, zinc , omega 3, and curcuma.
How many supplements and vitamins should we consume in one day?
RDA (Nutrition Adequacy Rate) shows that we can get at least 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit a day. Based on the RDA, we need 75-90 mg of vitamin C which we can get by consuming 2-3 servings of oranges or strawberries. If coupled with consuming a variety of other vegetables and fruits, it will be easier for us to meet these needs.
No need to rush to find vitamins or supplements. The most important thing we have to do to meet our needs for vitamins and minerals is to eat foods that are full of nutrients. However, if our daily condition is not prime because we are an active or passive smoker, often sleep deprived, and are often exposed to pollution, then taking vitamins and supplements can be an option.
How can we do it so that during our activities at home we are not overweight?
Drastic weight gain during activities at home is very possible due to excessive daily calorie intake. Two things that greatly affect our weight are how many calories we consume and how many calories we burn daily in the body. During the pandemic, our activities have become less. The ease of ordering food from home and the types of processed food (foods that are easily digested and have very high calories) that we consume are also major factors. In fact, one glass of boba drink contains approximately 400 calories, the same as the calories of one serving of main food!
In order not to gain weight, it would be nice if we try to eat fresh foods such as vegetables that have low calories. That way, we can get all the goodness from dense nutritious foods with low calorie values. We are advised to consume at least 80% of healthy, fresh and not too much processed food, and the other 20% may be reserved for packaged/processed snacks or drinks.
Those are some important things we need to know about the importance of consuming vitamins and supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Before taking additional supplements, it would be best if you first consult with a nutrition specialist at the EMC Hospital so that you can get the most appropriate recommendations for a healthier life. #LiveExcellently
Article written by dr. Kristina Joy Herlambang, BMedSci (Hons), MGizi, SpGK -FINEM (EMC Tangerang Clinical Nutrition Specialist).