Floods are the most common natural disasters in Indonesia. During floods, there are several skin diseases that people need to be aware of, one of which is skin disease due to flooding, namely inflammatory (inflammation) irritant / itchy contact dermatitis. Bacterial & fungal infections, trauma / friction, others = allergic reactions, animal bites.
Flood water is full of various kinds of germs and bacteria that can cause skin diseases.
Some skin diseases caused by exposure to flood water:
1. Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (Itching)
Exposure to dirty floodwater can lead to skin infections in pre-existing open wounds. Symptoms of infection from this condition include widespread redness, warmth, tenderness, and pus-like drainage. It is therefore important to monitor all wounds carefully and seek immediate care if you notice any of these signs. This infection can be serious or even fatal.
2. Skin diseases caused by animal bites
Flood water not only contains germs, sometimes various animals or insects can also emerge from puddles of flood water and trigger the risk of skin diseases. Such as mosquitoes, water fleas, and insects. Their bites can cause itchy bumps. However, generally the condition can improve after a while. However, insect bites can cause allergic reactions.
In addition, insect bites that are still watery and itchy are likely due to infection. So, when you scratch itchy skin, there may be a wound that has the potential to be infected. When infected, scratched wounds will take longer to heal, feel painful, and even fester.
3. Fungal Infection
Ringworm/tinea versicolor usually appears due to dirty and humid conditions. That is why flooding can cause ringworm/tinea versicolor or worsen the skin condition that already exists.
You need to know that the fungus that causes ringworm can grow quickly in damp situations, especially between the fingers and in skin folds.
Feet submerged in flood water can trigger the growth of fungus in gaps that are rarely cleaned.
4. Allergic reactions (itching)
During floods, people with sensitive skin should be more aware of puddles of flood water. Because they have allergic dermatitis.
This is an allergic reaction that occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen. Sensitive skin, especially in cold and humid conditions, can trigger this type of allergy.
Allergy symptoms: Red or bumpy skin accompanied by itching.
Moreover, if it is submerged in dirty water, it can certainly cause complications and worsen the allergic dermatitis that you are experiencing.
If you are at risk of developing skin diseases due to humid conditions, immediately take more specific preventive and treatment measures.
For example, we can clean areas that are prone to skin irritation carefully and always have antiseptic on hand.
If possible, avoid stepping into flooded areas. If you accidentally step on it, immediately clean it with running water until clean and then dry it.
It is important to maintain good hygiene, avoid contact with contaminated water, and seek medical care promptly if you experience symptoms of illness after exposure to flooding.
To prevent infection after a flood, here are some steps you can take:
1. Maintain Cleanliness : Wash your hands regularly with soap and clean water, especially after using the toilet, before eating, and after contact with flood water.
2. Avoid Contaminated Water : Avoid contact with flood water, especially if you have open wounds. Wear protective clothing such as boots and gloves if you need to be active in submerged areas.
3. Maintain Environmental Cleanliness : Clean and dispose of trash and contaminated items. Disinfect surfaces that may have been exposed to flood water with a bleach solution.
Article written by dr. Dhika Beankha Kusnaedi, Sp.DVE ( Specialist Doctor of Dermatology, Venereology, and Aesthetics, EMC Alam Sutera Hospital).