Referring to the 2019 WHO Global Tuberculosis Report, Indonesia ranks third as the country with the most tuberculosis (TB or TB) sufferers in the world, after India and China. The WHO report on the condition of TB in the world in 2018 also states that every day in Indonesia there are 301 people who die from TB. In addition, the estimated number of TB cases reached 842,000 affecting both children and adults, but only 446,732 cases were reported. Meanwhile, the estimated number of drug-resistant TB patients (TB, RO) is as many as 12 thousand, but only 5,070 cases have been reported. The number of cases that are not reported will accelerate the spread or transmission of TB disease.
TB itself is an infectious disease that usually attacks the lungs. Compared to other diseases caused by a single infectious agent, TB is the second biggest killer worldwide. The cause of TB is the bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis which can be transmitted through splashes of sputum when coughing, sneezing or talking.
Some people are infected with TB bacteria but experience no symptoms. TB can remain dormant for years before developing into active TB disease. Active TB usually causes many of the most common symptoms related to the respiratory system, including coughing up phlegm even with blood, shortness of breath, sometimes accompanied by chest pain when breathing.
Although TB usually affects the lungs, it can also affect other organs, such as the kidneys, spine, bone marrow and brain. Symptoms vary depending on which organ is infected, for example, kidney TB can cause urinary disturbances.
In Indonesia, socialization regarding the prevention of TB disease has been widely carried out through health centers, PKK, schools, and sub-districts. In addition, to reduce the rate of TB transmission, a specific approach is also carried out for the patient's family, co-workers, and institutions.
So that you don't get infected with TB, it's important to take precautions such as the TB prevention steps quoted from the following publications from the Indonesian Ministry of Health:
- Wear a mask to cover your mouth. This is an effective TB prevention step. However, don't forget to throw away masks that have been used regularly.
- Clean room ventilation. TB germs spread more easily in small enclosed spaces where air is stagnant.
- Eat nutritious food, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
- If you want to spit, do it in a certain place that has been given a disinfectant.
- Try to get enough sunlight and fresh air into the bed and avoid cold air.
- Drying mattresses, pillows and beds, especially in the morning.
If you have a cough that lasts for more than three weeks accompanied by other TB symptoms such as prolonged fever, shortness of breath, decreased appetite, weight loss, night sweats, then immediately consult a doctor and check your sputum to find out if you have TB positive or not. TB disease can be cured as long as the patient takes medication regularly.
Those are some important things to know about TB disease. Don't forget to maintain your immune system so you don't get infected with TB easily. To get good TB prevention and treatment, treatment by professional medical personnel is needed, such as treatment from a Pulmonologist and Respiratory (Pulmonary) Medicine Specialist. dr. Deva Bachtiar, Sp.P who practice on Tuesday at 08.00-12.00 WIB and Friday at 08.00-12.00 WIB at EMC Sentul Hospital. Let's live healthy and #LiveExcellently.