After surgery, your body needs nutrients to help it recover. Even so, that does not mean you can consume all kinds of food as much as possible. Some foods are recommended to aid recovery, while others should be avoided. So that you don't get dizzy choosing food after surgery, consider the following list.
Must be consumed post-surgery
The five types of food recommended for postoperative patients have complete nutrition. Some of them have the ability to make surgical wounds recover quickly and dry up.
This type of fish is recommended as food after heart surgery. Salmon is known to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are good for cardiovascular health. This acid is also anti-inflammatory or inflammatory and can help the heart's recovery process. Not only that, omega 3 can boost the body's immune system so you are not susceptible to disease.
The native fruit of this tropical country is indeed rich in nutrients. In just one papaya contains 235 mg of vitamin C. This amount is 2-3 times the daily requirement of vitamin C recommended by experts. You must consume this vitamin C-rich fruit like papaya after surgery because it can speed up the recovery process.
The antioxidants in honey can help your body's vulnerable condition after surgery to avoid disease and viruses. Honey also has antimicrobial substances that can fight disease-causing bacteria. In order to get the best benefits from honey, choose natural honey and avoid honey that is heavily mixed with sugar.
Spinach is a type of green vegetables that are rich in vitamins. Spinach can help your body meet the needs of vitamins A, C, and E. Equally important, spinach also contains vitamin C which is useful for blood clotting. As a result, your surgical wound can heal better and faster.
The nutrients in eggs help the recovery process from various illnesses and surgeries. So that the nutrients are not lost, make sure you don't cook it by frying it. You can serve eggs by boiling or making scrambled eggs minimal oil.
Must be avoided after surgery
After knowing the foods that must be consumed after surgery, let's also learn about the foods that you should avoid. The following are five food restrictions after surgery.
Dairy products
Most dairy products can make you constipated. This difficulty in defecating makes you strain and can tear the surgical wound. If you still have to consume milk, make sure you balance it with fiber from vegetables and fruit to avoid constipation.
Spicy food
Spicy and spicy foods do taste tempting after the various restrictions that you must follow before surgery. However, consuming spicy food immediately after surgery can cause health problems, especially if you have just had surgery on the digestive tract.
High fat food
Bad fats in fast food can interfere with your digestion. As a result, nutrients and energy become difficult to absorb. In fact, your body needs it in the recovery period after surgery. For that, avoid fried foods, butter, and fast food which has a high fat content.
Sweet food
The pleasure of sweet food is not worth the impact it has on the body during the healing period. Sweet foods can make blood sugar rise so that the body becomes susceptible to infection. As a result, the surgical wound becomes difficult to dry.
Instant food
The chemicals and preservatives in instant food can make your stomach bloated and slow wound healing. That is why this type of food should be avoided by postoperative patients.
That's a list of types of food that must be consumed and avoided after you or someone closest to you has gone through surgery. In order for the body to recover quickly and you can immediately move, let's fulfill your daily nutrition with nutritious food. Try to process your own food so that the nutritional content is clear. #LiveExcellently