Don't be ignored, Recognize the Symptoms of a Stroke and the First Treatment!

According to the American Heart Association, stroke is the third leading cause of death in the world after coronary heart disease and cancer. While the Stroke Forum said, globally 15 million people have a stroke each year, one in three die, while the rest experience permanent disability. Indonesia is not much different, the 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) noted that the prevalence of stroke reached 12.1 per 1,000 population, an increase compared to the 2007 Riskesdas of 8.3 percent. Although the impact is frightening, a stroke is not the end of everything. Because, this attack can still be overcome and prevented with the right strategy.

What causes strokes?

Blood is a vital substance for the ongoing work of the brain. Blood flow will deliver various nutrients so that nerve cells can work optimally. However, this blood work can be disrupted, for example due to blocked or ruptured blood vessels, and this has the potential to damage brain tissue. Disturbance of blood vessels in the brain is what causes a stroke.

Neurosurgeon specialist from EMC Hospital, dr. Lamhot Asnir Lumban Tobing, Sp.BS explained, there are several types of stroke, which can be broadly divided into two major groups, namely stroke due to blockage of blood vessels ( ischemic stroke ) and bleeding stroke ( hemorrhagic stroke ).

What is Ischemic Stroke ?

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or momentary blockage of blood vessels. We know it as a "minor stroke" or often also called "stroke symptoms". Occurs because the brain does not get enough blood intake so that brain function in that area is disrupted. So actually this type of stroke is a group of ischemic strokes.

according to dr. Lamhot Asnir , manifestations of disturbances that occur depend on which areas of the brain the intake is disturbed. If it affects the part of the brain that "takes care of" the motor, then the signs are in the form of weakness. But if the affected part of the brain that "takes care of" sensory, then one of the signs is a feeling of numbness in certain parts of the body. These signs may appear for a moment and then return to normal, or in other circumstances it may continue to get worse resulting in a stroke which is known by ordinary people ( completed stroke ).

What is a Hemorrhagic Stroke ?

This is a stroke caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain so that the blood that should be flowing in the blood vessel actually comes out, accumulates somewhere and causes pressure on a part of the brain, then damages brain cells in that area.

Stroke is often detected too late. We usually just notice when someone falls from the bathroom or is unconscious. In fact, according to dr. Nick, if we are more aware, the symptoms of a stroke can be seen early. From tingling, paralysis in one side, blurred vision, difficulty speaking, to seizures. These symptoms occur suddenly, quickly, or vice versa rather slowly and get worse, depending on which type of attack. If not handled properly, a stroke can lead to serious complications and even death. Among other things, weakness or paralysis of the limbs, speech disorders, or accumulation of fluid in the brain ( hydrocephalus ). Early detection of stroke and proper management can reduce the consequences of the stroke. What cannot be ignored in the treatment of stroke is the psychosocial aspect. Physical conditions that are no longer perfect can make stroke patients feel depressed because they consider themselves to be a burden on others. If this is not handled properly. Psychologically it can complicate recovery.

How to treat stroke?

Stroke treatment is carried out depending on the type and area affected. In general, stroke therapy is carried out with drugs, to overcome risk factors and direct consequences of the stroke itself. In some cases where the effect of suppressing blood clots is so influential, neurosurgery is sometimes needed.

What is done to prevent Stroke?

dr. Lamhot Asnir said, stroke is not a disease in itself, but is the impact of risk factors that a person has. So, there are several things you should do to prevent a stroke:

  • Know the risk factors.
    Hypertension is the most common risk factor for stroke, especially bleeding stroke. Meanwhile, more blockage strokes are caused by diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Other risk factors to watch out for are heart disease, smoking, and alcohol. By knowing these risk factors, we can change our lifestyle to be healthier, so that stroke attacks are even further away. This unhealthy lifestyle explains why strokes now attack many young people.
  • Recognize the symptoms early.
    If you feel mild symptoms from the start, don't underestimate it. Immediately check with the doctor. Symptoms of mild stroke include:
    1. Face: face looks slanted to one side
    2. Arm: if the patient is asked to raise both hands, it appears that there are hands that feel heavier to lift
    3. Speak: patients sometimes complain of difficulty speaking, which can be in the form of a slur, or difficulty expressing words.
  • Go to a health facility immediately.
    In addition to recognizing symptoms as early as possible, the time factor from attack to examination and treatment efforts greatly influences the prognosis of patients with stroke.

Once again, it is necessary to always remember the points above, namely FAST: Face, Arm, Speak and Time to prevent a completed stroke from occurring. After all, prevention is indeed the best effort. In addition to helping reduce the incidence of stroke, it also helps us save costs from efforts to treat strokes. Prevent stroke with a healthy lifestyle and understand and prevent risk factors from now on.