Recognize the Symptoms of Shingles, an Advanced Infection of Chicken Pox

Chickenpox ( herpes zoster ) is an advanced infection of the virus that causes chickenpox. If you have experienced chickenpox, the possibility that someone will experience chickenpox is relatively large. The initial symptoms of smallpox are almost the same as those of chickenpox, namely the appearance of red spots on the skin. However, the pattern of the spread of smallpox converged on one part.

Even though it is not a dangerous disease, if it is not handled in the right way, it will greatly interfere with daily activities. Therefore, let's peel in full about smallpox.

What causes shingles?

In fact, there is no definite cause for shingles. However, smallpox is caused by a decrease in the body's immunity against viral infections with age. Chickenpox or shingles is more common in adults as well as people who have a weakened immune system. Some factors that can increase the risk of getting smallpox are being over 50 years old, having HIV/AIDS and cancer, and taking certain drugs.

What are the symptoms of shingles?

Symptoms of shingles can last for a long time. Not infrequently the symptoms of smallpox are followed by the appearance of pain and problems with the nerves. The following are various symptoms of shingles:

  • Fever body
  • Burning and tingling sensation
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Headache
  • Feel tired
  • Stomach ache

How to prevent and treat smallpox?

There is a vaccine called Shingrix or Zostavax which is useful for preventing shingles and reducing its effects. Vaccines are recommended for healthy adults.

Generally, the medical treatment given to people with shingles is a combination of taking drugs to help suppress infection due to viruses, drugs to relieve pain, antivirals, and drugs to prevent complications. However, apart from taking medicines prescribed by a doctor, people with chickenpox are advised to fulfill their nutritional intake and get enough rest. Meanwhile, to reduce itching and pain, body compresses with cold water and wearing loose clothing are highly recommended.

Those are some things you need to know about smallpox. Immediately run to the doctor if you have experienced some of the symptoms. Especially if there is pain and a rash around the eyes, the rash is spreading and painful.

Article written by dr. Hadi Firmansyah, Sp.KK, M.Kes (Skin and Gender Specialist at EMC Cikarang Hospital).