Identified and Aware the Symptoms of Typhoid Fever (Typhoid)

Typhoid fever, or more commonly known as typhus is a disease that can be affected at all ages. Basically, this disease is caused by bacteria that develop in the intestines called salmonella typhi which can usually be found in contaminated food or drinks. This bacterium can also be transmitted to other people through food or drink that has been contaminated by the patient's urine or feces.

Typhus is not the same as typhus/typhus. The bacteria that causes typhus is a rickettsia typhi or R. Prowazekii and orientia carried by ectoparasites such as ticks, mites or ticks.

What Are the Symptoms of Typhoid Fever?

There are several initial symptoms that appear within 7-14 days after a person is infected with the Salmonella typhi bacteria, including:

  • Constantly increasing fever up to 39-40℃
  • Pain in the head
  • Reduced appetite
  • Disturbances in the digestive tract, including diarrhea and constipation
  • Pain in the stomach
  • The body feels weaker and tired during activity
  • Excessive sweating caused by high fever
  • Dry cough
  • Red rash on the skin
  • Swelling in the abdomen

How Is Typhoid Fever Diagnosed?

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will ask about the patient's symptoms and medical history. Then, the doctor will carry out a physical examination such as measuring body temperature, checking for rashes on the skin, and pressing the stomach. Then, the doctor will also carry out several further examinations such as:

  • Blood, urine and stool tests
  • Bone marrow aspiration
  • widal test
  • Anti-Salmonella IgM test

How to Treat Typhoid Fever?

In general, the treatment of typhoid fever will depend on the severity. Some cases can be treated at home independently by taking antibiotics from a doctor. However, there are also cases with severe symptoms that need to be hospitalized and antibiotics are given by injection and intravenous fluids. The most important thing for patients is to seek treatment first to determine the severity of the pain.

Treatment is done by taking the medicine recommended by the doctor and doing the following:

  • Limit activities, especially those that are strenuous
  • Get enough rest
  • Eat often but in small portions
  • Eat low fiber foods
  • Meet the need to drink water
  • Wash hands regularly with running water and soap

How to Prevent Typhoid Fever?

In order to prevent typhus, the government has recommended an immunization vaccine program which is generally given to children and adults who are at risk of contracting typhoid fever such as culinary officers related to food and beverage management, young adults, members of the army, microbiology laboratory staff, individuals who have contact with typhoid carriers, and tourists who have traveled to typhoid fever endemic areas.

In addition, there are also several steps that can be taken to prevent it, including:

  • Wash hands regularly with soap and running water, especially before eating and after using the toilet
  • Wash raw fruits and vegetables before consumption
  • Boil the water that will be drunk until cooked
  • Avoid consuming raw or undercooked food
  • Reducing and limiting the consumption of food/beverages sold on the side of the road where the quality of cleanliness is not guaranteed.

Those are some of the symptoms of typhoid fever that you need to know complete with how to treat and prevent it. Immediately contact a doctor at a trusted hospital if you or your relatives experience similar symptoms.

Article written by dr. Marcella Adisuhanto, Sp.PD (Internal Medicine Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital).