Have you ever heard of neuritis? Neuritis is a general term for inflamed peripheral nerves. This disease is generally more common in women aged 55 years or more.
Peripheral nerves themselves are outside the brain and bone marrow which function to convey signals from various parts of the body to the brain. When inflamed, the peripheral nerves begin to not function as well as they used to. This inflammatory condition does not only affect one nerve, but can involve groups of nerves in various parts of the body.
Neuritis can cause pain and stiffness and cause muscle weakness and fatigue. In fact, severe neuritis can trigger paralysis. The nerves that can become inflamed are the nerves that carry signals from the bone marrow to the hands, arms, shoulders, eyes and ears.
The main symptoms for people with neuritis usually depend on the location of the nerve. However, most sufferers will experience a burning sensation and an abnormal sensation in the area of the inflamed nerve. In addition, there are also other symptoms, namely pain like being stabbed and muscle weakness. If the neuritis is severe, you will lose sensation and your muscle reflexes and skin will become red. Then, if the optic nerve is affected by neuritis, your vision will be disturbed and vision becomes blurred , even if left unchecked it can lead to blindness. Then, for those of you who experience inflammation of the inner ear nerves, symptoms that can appear are balance and hearing problems. You will also experience vision problems and vertigo as your nerves lose their ability to send signals to the brain.
Why can neuritis occur? Neuritis generally occurs because you have experienced an injury or trauma to a nerve which can trigger damage and inflammation. In addition, your nerves can also be damaged when exposed to harmful radiation while undergoing cancer treatment or by injecting toxic chemicals into the body. Not only that, for those of you who have a tumor, the growth can block the nerves so that it can cause symptoms of neuritis.
Then, for those of you who often consume alcohol and certain drugs in the long term, such as statin drugs and drugs for arthritis to lower blood pressure, you should reduce it immediately because long-term use can cause nerve function to not work properly. In addition, don't forget to pay attention to the needs of B vitamins in your body. A body that is deficient in B vitamins can increase the risk of developing a neuritis condition.
Even so, for those of you who have had neuritis, there's no need to worry because there are various kinds of treatment you can do, such as taking B vitamin supplementation if the neuritis is caused by a deficiency of B vitamins . You can also take medical therapy to help relieve symptoms of neuritis through taking drugs to prevent the sending of signals to the brain by inflamed nerves. In addition, a more effective treatment for neuritis is to perform surgery in a hospital.
Currently, surgical technology is increasingly sophisticated and facilitates the healing process. One of the modern techniques used to treat neuritis is minimally invasive surgery , which is a surgical technique that uses a variety of sophisticated special tools to minimize the risk of complications.
The minimally invasive surgical technique requires only a small incision, then the doctor will insert special tools to free the inflamed and troubled nerves. After the surgery is complete, your surgeon will stitch up the incision with a few stitches to cover the surgical wound, then your surgical wound will be bandaged. Usually, this surgery is done only under local anesthesia, so you can go home more quickly. With minimally invasive surgical techniques for neuritis surgery, many patients find relief without pain and postoperative complications. However, don't forget to follow your surgeon's instructions so you can recover quickly.
So, that's information about neuritis and how to treat it through minimally invasive surgery. You don't need to hesitate anymore to try minimally invasive surgical techniques at the EMC hospital for the best treatment because the process is safe, effective, minimal risk, recovery is faster. #LiveExcellently