Having protruding veins in the calves for some people, especially women, is something that is very feared because it is considered disturbing appearance. The prominent veins that often appear in the calf area are known as varicose veins. You need to know, varicose veins are not just a beauty problem, but a disease that you need to be aware of.
Causes of varicose veins
For women, they have the opinion that the use of high heels or high heels is considered a cause of varicose veins. You need to know, when using high heels , leg movement becomes limited because the foot position is forced to tiptoe. If left for a long time, varicose veins can arise. From a medical point of view, varicose veins are caused by damage to the valves of the veins that carry dirty blood from the body back to the heart. As a result of damage to this valve, blood cannot flow back to the heart perfectly. Because of this, there is dilation of the superficial veins which is characterized by the appearance of 'veins' protruding on the surface of the skin in the calf area. This is what often makes women, in particular, insecure because of protruding veins in the calves.
Even so, the use of high heels is not the sole factor causing varicose veins. Several conditions such as obesity , pregnancy, hormonal factors, long standing habits, and heredity can increase a person's risk factors for developing varicose veins.
Symptoms of varicose veins and accompanying signs
Patients with varicose veins generally complain of leg aches, heaviness, cramps, swelling, bluish veins and pain and sores that are difficult to heal. These signs are symptoms of a person affected by varicose veins. If you experience this, immediately consult a vascular surgeon.
A comprehensive examination will be carried out by the surgeon by knowing the history of the disease, physical examination, supporting examinations using Doppler ultrasound to get the right treatment.
Treatment of varicose veins
Treating varicose veins seen from the level of disease that is non-invasive and invasive (surgery). Non-invasive varicose veins can be treated by using compression stockings and varicose veins injections using sclerosing agents.
For varicose veins that are invasive, surgical binding (ligation) and removal of damaged veins is required. There are also other procedures in the form of ablation, using a laser or radiofrequency through endovascular techniques (minimally invasive surgery). You can get it at Tangerang EMC Hospital, which provides vascular surgery clinic services.
Through proper treatment under the supervision of a competent vascular surgeon, and supported by modern and complete tools, varicose veins can be treated properly and effectively without requiring a long time. You can do a consultation in the vascular field by visiting the vascular surgery clinic at EMC Tangerang Hospital and consulting with dr. Londung Brisman Sitorus., Sp.B.SubBVE , Monday-Saturday 09.00-13.00.
Prevention of varicose veins
To prevent varicose veins, there are many things that can be done. First, if you really have to use high heels every day, you can do a few minutes of leg exercises. Leg exercises can be done while sitting, then rotate the ankles clockwise and rotate them in the opposite direction alternately. Then, lift your leg and bend your knee forward and back. You are also advised not to stand for too long and maintain your body weight so that it remains ideal to avoid overloading your feet. #LiveExcellently