Raising a newborn is not an easy job. Moreover, during a pandemic like this, most of you should be able to take care of your baby alone without the help of a baby sitter because of physical distancing rules. Therefore, learning how to take care of newborns seriously can be a solution. Come on, see the explanation below.
Why do you have to learn how to care for newborns?
Many millennial parents are still confused about the right way to take care of newborns because they receive too much information, such as information from neighbors, parents, relatives, and much more. In addition, the hereditary way of caring for newborns in every family tends to be different.
So that you know the basics of caring for newborns such as how to breastfeed, how to feed properly, and stimulate the baby properly, you must do counseling and consult with a pediatrician before giving birth. That way, you fully understand how to care for a baby when he's born and can give him a sense of security and comfort.
During a pandemic like this, consultations can be done online . Consultation as early as possible will be much better because actually the baby must be given stimulation since he is still in the womb. Of course, you already know the First 1000 Days of Life, which is the golden period for your baby. The first 1000 days of life are counted from the time the baby is still in the stomach until it is 2 years old. From these times, you can start studying the baby's condition, the characteristics of the baby, provide him with good nutrition, and give him various stimulants such as light, sound, touch, massage, etc.
Is there a difference in parenting a girl and a boy?
In general, the ways to raise baby boys and girls, such as breastfeeding, bathing and caring for the umbilical cord, are not much different. However, there are slight differences regarding how to care for the baby's intimate organs after defecating and urinating. For baby girls, the correct way to clean the intimate organs is to start from the front to the back. Whereas for baby boys, the way to clean it will be different depending on whether the baby has been circumcised or not.
How to bathe the right baby?
It is okay to bathe a full-term baby (not premature and of normal weight) by wiping, but it's better if you bathe it with plenty of water so that the fat and remnants of dirt are lost. The proper way to hold a baby is to position the baby's neck in your arms and hold his armpits to prevent him from slipping.
Try to keep the temperature of the water you use to bathe your baby lukewarm because it is not certain that water that you think is warm will also feel warm on your baby's body. So, to avoid baby bath water that is too hot, let the water that you have warmed up for 5-10 minutes before bathing the baby.
Usually, there is a condition where the baby's skin turns red bouncy just after bathing. To prevent this from happening, you have to pay attention to 3 factors, namely the level of warmth of the water, unsuitable baby bath products, and the cleanliness of the water content.
After bathing, you also have to perform a special ritual. The first thing you have to do is moisten the baby's skin with special baby lotion or cream to maintain its natural moisture. Next, give telon oil to warm the baby's body and sprinkle baby powder on areas that sweat a lot such as thighs, armpits and neck. Don't forget to avoid the genital area and the baby's face to avoid irritation.
How do you find out why a baby is crying?
The circumstances of each baby are different, so you as a parent must be able to understand and understand each other's babies. When the baby cries, the first thing you should check is the baby's diaper. If the baby doesn't defecate or urinate, then the second thing you should check is whether the baby is sweating. If so, it means that your baby is tired and uncomfortable sleeping on his back and you have to move his position to his stomach, but you have to do it in the right way and be careful so that your baby doesn't have difficulty breathing. If the baby is not sweating, then the third thing you need to do is give him breast milk.
A baby who cries because he can't sleep on the bed and can only sleep while being carried is a very natural thing because when he was in the womb, he was on his stomach and always warm. The same thing is felt again by the baby who feels comfortable and safe when he is carried because it is warm and his position is similar to when he was in the stomach. If you are too tired to carry it, make a bird's nest by providing bolsters and blankets next to the baby so that it resembles a bird's nest. Bird nest will feel much more comfortable than a baby box .
In other cases, babies usually cry because they have a fever. Use a temperature gauge to know for sure. If the baby has a fever above 38 degrees and the fever doesn't go down even though he has been given medicine accompanied by constant fussing, take him to the hospital immediately to get proper treatment. If the baby's temperature when measured is between 37.5-38 degrees, just compress the baby, dress him in light clothes, and give him breast milk.
How to wake baby for feeding?
The ideal breastfeeding is 6-12 times a day depending on the needs of the baby. You have to get used to the baby drinking milk every few hours. Hungry is not hungry, the baby still has to drink breast milk according to the schedule made. Avoid waiting for the baby to cry for breast milk so that he doesn't end up hungry or too full.
The way to wake a baby to drink milk is by shaking and patting a little, lifting it towards the breast, stimulating it by gently touching the cheek or side of the ear, and slightly flexing the soles of its feet. The baby doesn't need to be 100% awake, it's enough to be a bit awake to just suck the milk.
Those are some ways and tips on caring for newborns and reasons why you should learn how to care for babies as early as possible. Don't forget to first consult with a pediatrician at the EMC Hospital so that you are ready to undergo the entire delivery process and be able to provide a sense of security and comfort for your newborn into the world. #LiveExcellently
This article was written by: dr. Anisa Setiorini, Sp. A (Pediatrician, EMC Sentul Hospital).