Know How to Treat a Stye on the Eye!

It seems that we are familiar with eye stye. This is because so many people have experienced it. Even though the condition of the eye stye is not that serious, a stye on the eye really disturbs our daily life, a stye can cause pain and interfere with appearance. Therefore, let's see what a stye is and how to treat it!

What is the definition of a stye?

Stye or in medical language it is called hordeolum , is a small lump that is shaped like a pimple. It can also be referred to as an ulcer on the eye. This condition can grow outside or inside the eyelids.

What are the symptoms of eye stye?

As an early symptom of a stye on the eye is the appearance of a red nodule that resembles a small boil on the eyelid. The other symptoms are as follows:

  • Itchy
  • Tears come out constantly
  • Swelling and pain in the stye
  • Crusts appear on the eyelids

What causes eye stye?

The main cause of eye stye is an infection with Staphylococcus bacteria. These bacteria commonly grow and live on the skin of the eyelids due to a blockage of the oil glands which causes inflammation. The other causes are as follows:

  • Do not clean the remaining cosmetics on the eyes before going to bed
  • There are germs and dead skin trapped at the end of the eyelids
  • Frequently touching eyes with dirty hands.
  • Using cosmetics that have expired.
  • Wearing non-sterile contact lenses.
  • Experiencing inflammation at the tip of the eyelids ( blepharitis ).
  • Experiencing rosacea disease which causes facial skin to redden.

How to treat stye?

Usually, a stye heals on its own within 7–21 days, especially if it has burst and is oozing pus. Keep in mind, never squeeze or pop a stye yourself, because this can trigger the spread of infection.

Therefore, here are some steps to reduce the symptoms and discomfort caused by a stye:

  • Keep your eyes clean by always cleaning your eyes with soap and avoiding eye make-up
  • Compress the eyelids 2–4 times a day with a towel soaked in warm water.
  • Avoid using contact lenses until the stye is completely gone
  • Take pain relievers, such as paracetamol, to relieve eye pain.

If the stye does not heal and instead feels ongoing pain, immediately consult a doctor at a trusted hospital. Usually, the doctor will provide treatment in the form of giving antibiotic ointment or eye drops.

Article written by dr. Ruth Nindyasari Budiningtyas, Sp.M (Eye Specialist at EMC Pekayon Hospital).