What is cancer?
Cancer is a disease caused by cells that grow abnormally where the cells lose control of growth in our body. Cancer cells have unique properties, namely the ability to multiply continuously, the ability to penetrate surrounding tissues and damage them, and the ability to move from their place of origin (metastasis).
Are tumors and cancer the same?
The terms tumor and cancer are intersecting. The term tumor is used to refer to a lump or tissue that grows abnormally and can be benign or malignant. Meanwhile, cancer is a malignant tumor that can spread to other parts of the body and damage the healthy cells around it.
What are the causes of cancer?
Cancer is caused by environmental factors and generic factors. Environmental factors include various types of viruses, chemicals, ionizing radiation and ultraviolet light. Most of these environmental factors have the same nature, namely damage to DNA, resulting in gene damage. The body does have natural processes and mechanisms to repair damaged cell genes. However, when this process fails, the damage can become more severe and cause uncontrolled cell growth. The environmental factors mentioned above have the potential to prevent the body from repairing damaged cells.
Genetic factors in the incidence of cancer can be seen from the existence of large families with family members who in several generations suffer from cancer at a young age. Genetic factors together with environmental factors interact to cause cancer.
What are the symptoms of cancer?
The very varied types of cancer determine which symptoms will appear along with the complications that the patient may experience. However, usually patients with cancer will experience the following symptoms:
- Weak, easily tired, pale
- Nausea, decreased appetite
- Chronic cough or chest pain (in lung cancer)
- A lump appears (according to the origin of the cancer)
- Pain in an area of the body (due to the growth of the cancer or pressure exerted by the cancer)
- Disorders of defecation and urination (for cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and genitals)
- Continuous fever (due to infection or due to cancer)
- Bleeding suddenly (in lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, genital)
- Bruising and bleeding (blood cancer)
It should be remembered that the above symptoms are not absolute, whether or not these symptoms appear depends on the type of cancer, the patient's condition, and the chronic level of the cancer experienced by the patient.
Is cancer a hereditary disease?
Not all cancer patients have a family history of cancer. There are some genetic disorders that are inherited and can cause cancer. Therefore, we cannot automatically determine whether the cancer he is suffering from is really a hereditary disease. In order to prevent unwanted things, it is necessary to do early detection and consult a doctor.
What are the treatment methods for cancer patients?
Cancer treatment methods must be carried out as a whole (holistic) need to consider social, spiritual, to medical aspects, so that cancer sufferers will get maximum support. There are several treatment methods that can be used to treat cancer.
- Operation
- Chemotherapy
- Radiotherapy
- Immunotherapy
- Hormone therapy
- Target therapy
This method of treatment can be given alone or in combination according to the type of cancer, the patient's condition and the stage of the cancer.
When is the right time to see a doctor and how can you prevent cancer?
People who have a history of cancer in the family should immediately consult a doctor to assess their risk of cancer and undergo routine screening and examinations to the doctor. For example, a smoker whose family members have had lung cancer certainly has a higher risk of developing cancer.
Patients who have complaints of lumps or symptoms of cancer should see a doctor to consult about the disease.
Cancer patients who are being treated by an oncologist (hemato-oncologist) need to have regular checkups to see if the treatment given is effective and whether side effects occur. If it has been declared cured of cancer, the patient still has to check his condition to the doctor periodically to ensure that the cancer does not experience a recurrence.
To prevent cancer, start adopting a healthy lifestyle as early as possible by consuming nutritious food, managing your eating and sleeping patterns, exercising regularly, and staying away from the dangers of smoking and alcohol. Let's welcome a better future with EMC. #LiveExcellently
Article written by dr. Marthino Robinson, Sp.PD-KHOM (Internal Medicine Specialist Consultant on Hemato Oncology Medical at EMC Sentul Hospital).