Coronary heart disease is a disorder of the heart caused by blockages in the heart's blood vessels due to accumulation of fat or plaque. Coronary heart disease which manifests as a heart attack is the main cause of death in the productive age group, data in Indonesia based on RISKESDAS (Basic Health Research) shows coronary heart disease is included in the top 5 causes of death in Indonesia .
Recognize the dangers of a heart attack
Acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation (IMA-EST) or heart attack is defined as the onset of symptoms and signs of ischemia of cardiac muscle tissue in the form of chest pain typical of infarction accompanied by changes in the electrocardiographic (ECG) appearance in the form of persistent ST segment elevation, left bundle appearance . new branch block (LBBB), or the formation of pathological Q waves, accompanied by signs of heart muscle cell damage in the form of an increase or decrease in troponin biomarker levels at least above the 99th percentile of the highest reference value.
Heart attacks are proven through imaging techniques in the form of loss of new cardiac muscle cell tissue which is characterized by changes in regional motion of the heart muscle, the presence of thrombus in the coronary arteries detected by angiography or autopsy.
In general, IMA-EST patients experience total occlusion of the epicardial coronary arteries. The goal of treatment in this case group is to restore coronary blood flow quickly so that distal blood flow can return to normal by means of mechanical reperfusion in the form of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (IKPP) or by pharmacoreperfusion, namely fibrinolytics.
Installation of heart rings to treat coronary heart disease and heart attacks
Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (IKPP) or heart ring is the main choice of mechanical revascularization therapy in treating patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation (IMA-EST) or heart attack. The mortality rate of IMA-EST patients in the world has shown a decrease along with the development of modern medicine, and the increasing use of IKPP or heart ring procedures.
Currently in Indonesia, along with the existence of the national health insurance service (JKN) and other health insurance, the act of placing an emergency heart ring or primary percutaneous coronary intervention (IKPP), is already a common thing encountered in the field. At the EMC Hospital itself, percutaneous coronary intervention services (Heart Ring) are available .
Article written by dr. Kabul Priyantoro, Sp.JP(K), FIHA (Cardiologist & Vascular Specialist Interventional Cardiology Consultant at EMC Cikarang Hospital).