Know the Causes & Ways to Prevent Trigger Finger

Have you experienced a condition where the finger is moved, the finger feels stiff when bent or straightened and there is a sensation like being locked/stuck and there is a "click" sound. Sometimes in more severe conditions the finger requires hand assistance to straighten it again.

Maybe you have trigger finger. Trigger finger can be treated in various ways, depending on the severity, from rest to surgery.

Trigger finger occurs when the protective sheath surrounding the finger tendon becomes inflamed. Tendons are the connective tissue between muscles and bones.

Causes of Trigger Finger

Until now, the cause of the appearance of trigger finger is not known with certainty. However, there are several things that are thought to trigger this condition, namely:

  • Grasp objects very firmly for a long time
  • Have a history of injury to the palm of the hand or the base of the finger
  • Doing activities that put a lot of pressure on your thumb or finger
  • Repetitive movements of the fingers
  • Usually occurs in men / women over the age of 45 years
  • Have certain medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, gout, infection, and possibly a tumor on the palm or fingers

Symptoms of Trigger Finger

This disease can occur in any finger, including the thumb. Symptoms will be experienced differently by each sufferer, ranging from mild to severe. Some of the symptoms commonly experienced by people with trigger finger are:

  • Fingers become stiff, especially in the morning.
  • Pain at the base of the finger
  • The appearance of a shock sensation when moving the finger.
  • Swelling or lumps appear on the palms of the hands that experience this condition.
  • The finger is locked in a bent position and cannot be straightened. This usually gets worse if you grip something hard & try to straighten your fingers.

Handling Trigger Fingers

Treatment for trigger finger is aimed at reducing swelling, pain, and returning the finger to its original function so that it is pain free and movement is not limited. Treatment also varies greatly, depending on the severity and duration of the condition. Treatment that is generally given includes:

  • Rest
  • Cold compress
  • Hand splints
  • Pain reliever and inflammation medication
  • Injectable steroid medication
  • Operations / Surgical Actions

Immediately visit a doctor if you experience the above symptoms and the condition of your trigger finger does not improve even though various treatments and treatments have been carried out independently at home. The doctor will provide further treatment according to your condition.

Article written by dr. AAG Putra Prameswara, Sp. OT, FICS, AIFO-K (Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist at EMC Cikarang Hospital).