The wedding moment is of course the moment that most people look forward to, it's not surprising that a lot of preparations are made by the bride and groom, from preparing for the wedding ceremony to planning a honeymoon with their partner. Of the many preparations made before marriage, pre-marital health checks or pre-marital screening may not be a priority for many brides, including you. This is a big mistake, because pre-marital health checks can give an idea of the health conditions and risks of health problems faced by you and your partner and may be passed on to your children.
The best time to do a pre-marital check-up is three to six months before getting married. Pre-marital medical examinations are actually just general examinations, so they usually don't require a hospital or laboratory with special criteria. You can do pre-marital examinations in almost any hospital or laboratory that is supported by professional medical personnel. So that you don't get confused, it's a good idea to identify the categories that will be examined in the pre-marital health check.
Hematology Test
This test serves to find out whether there are abnormalities in the number of blood cells or not. This test is important to do considering that abnormalities in the blood and blood vessels can affect the risk level of prospective mothers when undergoing pregnancy and childbirth.
Blood Group Test
This test is important to do to find out your and your partner's blood type and rhesus. Knowing the rhesus is very important to prevent complications and disturbances during pregnancy due to rhesus differences between the mother and the baby.
Blood Sugar Test
This test serves to see blood sugar levels in the body. If the results of your blood sugar check or your partner's have a tendency towards diabetes, it is necessary to carry out medical treatment and therapy to minimize the risk of developing diabetes, this can prevent the birth of premature and obese babies due to diabetic mothers.
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
This test may sound less familiar to your ears. In simple terms, this test serves to find out diseases related to venereal. This examination includes tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, and AIDS. This is important to do considering that venereal diseases can be transmitted through husband-wife intercourse, besides that this disease can also be transmitted from mother to child.
TORCH test
This test can help you find the presence of infections or diseases in male and female fertility. If after carrying out a TORCH examination (Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, and Herpes) you are diagnosed with one of these disorders, you can take medication or therapy to overcome it so that it does not affect the health condition of your future child.
Genetic Abnormalities Test
This examination includes a hemophilia test to check for abnormalities in blood clotting and a thalassemia test to check for hemoglobin disorders, because these two disorders can be passed from parents to their children.
Fertility test
For couples who want to have children immediately after marriage, it is also advisable to do a fertility test before marriage. Men can do a sperm analysis, while women can do a gynecological ultrasound, HSG, and/or hormone checks. If there is interference with fertility, you and your partner can take therapy to correct fertility problems and carry out a pregnancy program immediately.
After knowing the various types of medical examinations that need to be carried out before marriage, you can start preparing for the examination and choosing the right place and time for the examination. Pre-marital screening can help you and your partner create a healthy marriage. #LiveExcellently