Minimally invasive surgery or minimally invasive surgery has two types of surgical techniques, namely laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery . Laparoscopy is a surgical technique performed by surgeons using small diameter instruments, while robotic surgery is a surgical technique that uses a robotic system to assist in surgical procedures. These minimally invasive surgical techniques are able to minimize incisions and pain in patients with a lower risk of complications, as well as a shorter recovery period compared to conventional surgery.
Even though minimally invasive surgery has a shorter recovery time than conventional surgery, your body still needs several stages of postoperative recovery after the surgery. You have to go through these stages of recovery one by one so that you can recover more quickly and get back to your activities. Therefore, consider the several stages of recovery after minimally invasive surgery that you need to know.
The side effects of anesthesia are starting to subside
After the minimally invasive surgical procedure has been completed by the surgeon in the operating room, you will not be immediately taken to the treatment room, but to the transition room first. In this transition room, your physical condition will be monitored intensively. If your body doesn't show signs of side effects from anesthesia and doesn't experience any complications after surgery, then the medical team will move you to the treatment room.
The pain returns
Usually, when you have been transferred to the treatment room, the side effects of the anesthetic have disappeared completely. At times like these, you will start to feel pain in the area of the body that was operated on. However, the pain normally does not last too long. If the pain does not go away, you will be given painkillers to relieve it. Apart from that, you also have to refrain from making excessive movements, because this will increase the intensity of the pain you feel. In fact, even a small movement like coughing can cause your surgical wound to hurt more. That is the reason why you are usually asked to rest completely during this recovery period.
The wound on the stitches began to heal
The pain in your surgical scar will slowly disappear. However, you must first go through periods where you might experience complications such as swelling in the area of the surgical wound and this is normal. To avoid this, usually your medical team will change your bandages and clean your wound regularly.
Allowed to go home and rest at home
If you don't experience any problems after the operation, then you have entered the last stage of the recovery period. At this stage, you are allowed to carry out advanced recovery at home. However, this still depends on the condition of your body and permission from your doctor which states that you can continue your recovery at home. If you are allowed to go home, don't forget to ask the doctor again regarding the restrictions and recommendations that you must obey during this recovery period.
Do various ways such as making healthier lifestyle changes so that you can heal faster. Some of the ways you can do so that the healing process can take place more quickly include:
- Re-consult with the surgeon
After a long period of complete rest at home, you should meet again with the surgeon for follow-up consultations and outpatient care. This is necessary so that the doctor can find out the progress of your body's healing and adjust the prescription for further medicines to your condition.
2. Prevent infection
Preventing infection is one of the most important and simple things you can do while you are healing. The trick is to wash your hands thoroughly before you touch the postoperative incision area so that the bacteria on your hands don't cause the wound to become seriously infected.
3. Eat and drink properly
Most patients experience a decrease in appetite after surgery because they feel nauseous, constipated, or don't even feel hungry at all. In fact, consuming healthy drinks and food after surgery can help speed up the healing process while minimizing complications.
The special thing about this minimally invasive surgery is that the recovery time is much faster than open surgery. However, don't forget to follow the steps and methods of healing above so that you can immediately return to your normal activities. In addition, keep doing a healthy lifestyle so that you avoid various diseases. #LiveExcellently