Biofeedback therapy is an examination that evaluates the strength of a patient's pelvic floor muscles in order to determine the appropriate diagnosis and therapy. This painless therapy displays results to you and your therapist regarding the strength and relaxation of your pelvic floor muscles.
With active and passive stimulation, you will learn to strengthen, tighten, and relax your pelvic floor muscles while isolating muscles such as your abdominals. You will also be given information on how to control the urge to urinate, avoid bladder irritants, and reduce pressure on your bladder.
So, who needs Biofeedback Therapy?
- Patients who experience incontinence (urine leakage)
- Condition of the bladder dropping (prolapse)
- Chronic pain in the pelvic area
- Frequent urge to urinate
How Does Biofeedback Therapy Work?
The nurse will ask about your urinary history such as urine leakage, frequency, and use of pads. After that, you will be asked to undress from the waist down, put on a gown, and lie on the examination table. A small probe is then inserted into your vagina or rectum. The probe contains sensors that capture pelvic floor muscle activity. Three electrodes are also placed on your abdomen to capture abdominal muscle activity. You will then be asked to tighten your pelvic floor muscles, as if to stop the release of stool or urine.
The therapist will then explain what is displayed on the computer screen and an exercise program will be tailored to you based on your symptoms and the measurements on the screen. The first session lasts about 1-1/2 hours. Therapy will be done 2-3 times a week. The number of therapies will be adjusted to each patient's condition.
What are the benefits of Biofeedback Therapy?
Biofeedback therapy can help people who experience urinary leakage and incontinence. Biofeedback can help women strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that control bladder emptying. Biofeedback has no side effects.
Duration of Therapy
The number of biofeedback sessions varies depending on each patient's history and complaints. Most require 10 to 15 sessions, 2-3 sessions a week. This therapy can be repeated again
If you experience complaints such as frequent urge to urinate, chronic pain in the hip area, or even experience urine leakage, immediately consult a Gynecologist at EMC Grha Kedoya Hospital to get Biofeedback Therapy services.
This article was written by Dr. Riyani Marlisa Limoa, Sp.OG (Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist, EMC Grha Kedoya Hospital).