The best thing you can do to prevent or treat Anemia

Anemia is a condition that occurs when the number of healthy red blood cells (hemoglobin) decreases, or when red blood cells don't function properly. Thus, this causes the organs in the body not to get enough oxygen and causes sufferers to easily experience fatigue, dizziness, and several other disorders. Someone can be declared anemic when the hemoglobin level contained in their blood cells is less than 14 grams/deciliter (men) and 12 grams/deciliter (women).

What Causes an Anemia?

Basically, anemia can be caused by three conditions which include:

  • Lack of red blood cell production
  • Excessive blood loss
  • Red blood cells are destroyed too quickly

Anemia can occur due to various things, such as pregnancy, damage to the bone marrow, for example, chronic diseases, such as liver disease and kidney failure, as well as gene mutations.

What are the Common Symptoms of Anemia?

The differences in the causes that encourage the onset of anemia also make the symptoms of anemia vary. However, here are some symptoms that are common in people with anemia:

  • Easily feel tired and weak
  • Experiencing dizziness and pain in the head
  • Often sleepy
  • The skin is pale or yellowish
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Cold, especially in the feet and hands
  • Shortness of breath and pain in the chest

How to prevent or treat Anemia?

Steps that can be taken in dealing with anemia depend on the type of cause of anemia that is experienced, so certain cases require a doctor's diagnosis and assistance. However, here are some common types of treatment recommended by doctors:

  1. Increase consumption of foods that contain iron/zinc
    In general, anemia can occur due to a lack of iron/zinc which is the material for forming red blood cells. Therefore, the consumption of foods rich in iron/zinc can be one of the steps that can be taken to treat anemia. Several types of foods are high in iron/zinc including red meat, egg yolks, seafood, and so on. In addition to food, iron can also be obtained by consuming high-iron supplements.
  2. Increase consumption of vitamin B12 and folic acid
    One of the causes of anemia besides iron deficiency is a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid in the body. In fact, both are included in the nutrients needed in the process of producing red blood cells in the body. Vitamin B12 is contained in foods such as chicken liver, fish, shellfish, dairy products, and so on. While folic acid is contained in milk and green vegetables.
  3. Doing blood transfusions
    Blood transfusion is an effort to quickly overcome anemia which is done by getting blood donors that are given through blood vessels. For people with anemia, transfusions can be useful to increase the number of red blood cells in the body.
  4. Consumption of drugs
    In certain cases, drugs are administered by doctors, for example, to suppress the immune system which causes excessive destruction of red blood cells, or to increase blood cell production.

Those are the causes, symptoms, and steps that can be taken to treat anemia. Get checked out immediately and consult a doctor if you or your relatives feel you have similar symptoms so that they can be treated further.

Article was written by dr. Febri Kurniawati, Sp.PD (Internal Medicine Specialist at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital).