Taking a break from technology is something foreign to today's people. From work to entertainment, almost everything depends on technology and the internet. Not infrequently technology ends up being a disturbing problem because it causes addiction, especially when it comes to social media use. Research states that the interactions and rewards in the form of " likes " that we get on social media make us feel that we are getting recognition from others. Apparently, the feeling of happiness when recognized turns into an addictive thing.
Recently, the term digital detox has emerged. As the name suggests, this detox is done by breaking away from the use of gadgets for a while. When doing a digital detox, you are encouraged to do other activities outside of the gadget screen. This digital detox is considered to bring peace and calm because you are free from digital distractions. As a result, you become more focused in dealing with everything that happens in real life.
Not only does it help focus on life, digital detox also has other benefits, especially for mental health. If you feel the need but are still unsure about doing this detox, first check the benefits below.
Reducing feelings of anxiety
Everyday, we are always exposed to notifications, alerts, calls, and short messages. The culture of always being active on social media and the internet makes us feel compelled to respond immediately to all incoming messages. We are encouraged to always be ready beside gadgets . Then came the term " nomophobia " which means stress and anxiety when someone cannot access a gadget or when a digital device runs out of power.
A study found a link between smartphone use and increased anxiety. In this study, a group of people were forced not to use smartphones for several days. Anxiety covers them for not being able to access things that happen in cyberspace. When they were able to access their gadgets again, they found that they had missed nothing important during the gadget fast. As a result, they come to understand that it's actually okay to take their focus off the gadget for a moment. Even the digital detox they do makes feelings of anxiety less anxious.
Increase self-confidence
Without a doubt, social media has helped us connect with people from all over the world. We can even relate to people we have never met directly in real life. However, with all these connections, have you ever felt even more isolated than before?
The digital world encourages cultures to compare. Sharing happy moments on social media is fun, but receiving comments and likes from others makes the sensation even more enjoyable. We feel acknowledgment that we are attractive and successful enough. As a result, when the response on social media is not as much as expected, self-confidence decreases and thoughts arise to compare oneself with the lives of other people.
For that, digital detox is present as a solution. Pausing access to the digital world for a time makes us re-awaken to what is real and helps confidence to return. We become aware that even the life moments uploaded by other people may have been sorted and polished in such a way that we feel that their life is perfect. With digital detox comes the realization that there's no point in comparing the life you live each day to a single photo someone else has uploaded.
Helps fight depression
Research by British psychologists has found a strong link between excessive internet use and depression. According to this study, those who are addicted to the internet have a tendency to experience depression.
If you or someone close to you is trying to get back up from depression, doing a digital detox might be a solution. By avoiding cyberspace for a while, you can focus more on socializing face-to-face and also doing other physical activities. Both of these are factors that have been proven to help maintain mental health.
Make sleep more quality
The poor quality of our sleep at night has a serious impact on mental health. Lack of sleep causes the body to feel tired. This fatigue makes it difficult to carry out daily life which leads to feelings of inferiority, worry, and stress.
You also may not rarely put the gadget beside the bed and even access it on the top where you lie down. In fact, this makes it even more difficult for you to sleep and feel tired again to carry out all day activities. Therefore, one of the actions you can take is to do a digital detox.
After reading the benefits of digital detox for mental health, it's time for you to take concrete steps. Come on, set aside time to pause from using gadgets and feel the positive impact on your life. #LiveExcellently