Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has changed the term social distancing to physical distancing . The reason for using this term is to clarify that there are instructions to stay at home to break the chain of spreading the corona virus. However, that does not mean we cut off contact with friends or family socially. Even though we are far apart, it is important for us to maintain communication with those closest to us. However, this communication can be done by using the telephone, video call , or chat chat .
To stop the current spread of the corona virus, people have been instructed to practice physical distancing or maintain distance between people by staying at home, avoiding crowds, and refraining from making direct contact with other people.
When implementing physical distancing , we are not allowed to shake hands. We also have to keep our distance, at least 1 meter if we have to interact with other people. Even though living with physical distancing and staying at home for a long time can cause discomfort, it is important to do this for the greater good.
Why is it necessary to do physical distancing ?
Physical distancing is very important to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as long as no vaccine has been found as of now. We must make every effort to maintain physical distance as much as possible to protect ourselves and others from infection with the corona virus.
So far, the physical distancing recommended by the government is:
- Work from home ( work from home )
- Study at home online for school and university students
- Postpone meetings or events that are attended by many people, such as conferences, seminars and meetings, or do it online via video conference or teleconference
- Not visiting people who are sick, but simply via telephone or video call
Physical distancing is carried out for at least 14 days because the corona virus itself has an incubation period of 14 days. The main point of physical distancing is to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. When many people do their activities at home, the transmission rate can be much reduced.
If the number of people who have contracted the corona virus is not too many, then medical personnel can have sufficient time, energy and facilities to treat those who have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus effectively and efficiently. It is hoped that this decision for physical distancing can be the answer to avoid overcrowding of patients in hospitals, as happened in China and Italy.
Those are some important things to know about physical distancing to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Stay healthy by increasing your body's immunity and that of your family while doing activities at home. To fill the time during physical distancing at home, you can do the following:
- Watch your favorite TV shows with your family
- Family quality time by chatting to create strong bonds
- Exercise at home to keep your body fit
- Read favorite book
- Starting a new hobby, such as cooking, drawing or other hobbies
Don't forget to get enough rest and diligently wash your hands properly. Let's #UnitAgainstCorona to #LiveExcellently.
Also read: Avoid Common Mistakes When Washing Your Hands to Avoid the Corona Virus