Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by infection with the varicella zoster virus which often affects children. Actually, there is no specific drug to treat chickenpox. However, there are many ways to deal with the symptoms of chickenpox in children and speed healing.
Do not underestimate the symptoms of chickenpox in children, because if parents let chickenpox go, it can actually cause the risk of complications such as bacterial skin infections. Therefore, here are steps that can be taken at home to treat chickenpox in children:
- Give fever medicine as well as pain relievers
Before a rash filled with fluid (stretching) appears, chickenpox usually causes symptoms of low-grade fever or sore throat and sometimes pain all over the body. To treat these early symptoms of chickenpox, give your baby pain relievers such as acetaminophen (paracetamol).
Paracetamol is safe for babies and children. This drug is also available in syrup form, so it can be given to infants and children under two years of age. However, it is important for mothers to consult a doctor to determine the right dose according to the needs of the baby. -
Help your child scratch less
When exposed to chicken pox, an itchy feeling will usually arise which causes the child to scratch immediately. To reduce itching, the doctor will usually give medicine. It should also be noted that parents cut their children's nails as short as possible to reduce the risk of infection due to scratching. -
Watch your little one's food intake
When a child has chickenpox, the hot body temperature, pain, and discomfort caused by a reddish rash will make it difficult for the child to eat. So, don't forget to always meet your child's fluid needs by drinking lots of water to avoid dehydration. If you have a baby who is still actively breastfeeding, do not stop giving regular breast milk.
Offer soft, smooth, and cold foods (such as soup, ice cream, pudding, jelly, mashed potatoes, and porridge) when your child has chickenpox. - Make sure the child gets enough rest
Not only fulfilling the body's fluid and nutritional needs, make sure the child also gets enough rest. When the child has started to show symptoms such as fever and red rash, it is best to immediately rest the child at home to help the immune system recover so that it can eradicate the infection.
Keep children suspected of having chickenpox away from relatives or parents who have never had chickenpox to avoid transmission.
Don't forget to bathe your child to keep the skin clean and prevent secondary infections. Of course, when drying the child's body, it must be gentler and slower so that the child is comfortable.
Go to the doctor when the symptoms get worse
In cases with severe symptoms, sometimes home treatments as mentioned are not enough to treat chickenpox in children. Symptoms that get worse are usually manifested by vomiting, rashes spreading to the genitals, high fever, purulent discharge, and difficulty breathing. Immediately consult the child to the doctor.
Those are some things you can do when your baby has chickenpox. For questions and appropriate treatment, consult a pediatrician at a trusted hospital.
Article reviewed by dr. Caroline Mulawi, Sp.A (Child Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital).